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okay ... part 2
the next day is new years, hats mother has arranged a meal with the b52 staff at a restaurant along the beach front, becky and hats are getting ready at istanbul apartments when the door goes. hats opens it and its hassan , a nasty guy who is convinced hats is in love with him. he forces himself on her in a way she doesnt like she tries to push him off, becky hears whats happening and comes in and tells him to leave, he does. however hats knows she is going to see him later at the meal and is worried by this. at the meal hassan gives hats a ring as a present, she finds this very strange as she doesnt even know him that well and he scared her earlier on in the apartment. after the meal the girls go to the bar for new years celebrations, they get a phone call from alican asking if they want to go to the beach with him, the girls really want to go but they respect their mothers wishes and stay at the bar. however hassan warns them off and hits them without the girls knowing, they later discover this as tezcan and hasan have an arguement about it.
the next day hats and becky go to alicans hotel to appologise for the actions of the previous night, they sit down in the reception area with alicans father who tells hats that hassan ses i am with him and i have slept with him, this is complete crap and hats has to stop herself from getting very angry. hats calls her mum and she comes to the hotel, she ses hassans a liar and talks to alicans mum about being a music teacher =)
becky and hats go to their apartment feeling like trouble makers, however it turns out alican kind of likes trouble... the next day he invites them to play pool with himself and friend (nice) hassan. when they get there hats and alican go together and becky and hassan, hassan and becky are way better then alican and hats but somehow they win, alican is cheecky and whenever he get a ball in asks hats for a kiss, she gives him one every time ... that evening the 4 of them go to a bar called the car cemetry they all have a few drinks and are chatting and laughing until 1 man ruins it all. hassan.
he walks into the bar so the 4 of them try to leave withought being seen, they get to the end of the street when hassan calls after them, alican stops trys to talk to hassan but gets hit, alican gives hats the car keys to go get in the car but her hands are too shakey with panic and she cant fit the key in the lock, she tries calling her mother but her hands are too shakey to press the keys. hats n becky look over to where the fight is and hassan is hitting (nice) hassan over and over. the girls just stare in shock. then they all come over to the car hassan tells hats to get in his car and pulls her arm to try force her, becky shouts at hassan and puts hats in alicans car, they try to leave but hassan has blocked them in he tells them to follow him home. at the red light hassan begins to get out his car but the lights quickly flash green and he is forced to get back in. alican drives quickly back to the hotel they get in and lock the door becky and hats sit in silence for a long time they dont know what to say, if they hadnt of gone out non of it would have ever happened. alican comes over to hats and hugs her for a very long time she starts to feel better =) the girls are careful now and go to alicans house on their last evening, they listen to nightmare before christmas and eat miniture heros, alican drives them back to their apartments and they have to say bye ... hats wants to kiss him... but doesnt
okay.. i there is going to be more then 3 haha! see this will keep you going for ages you never need to think of another movie because this is soooooo long! haha xx
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