0up up up lan up up up
0inci saati ile (isi) 2dakka kaldı
0hello conan. we are the writers of an online portal named inci sozluk(means pearl dictionary) from turkey. your show is one of our favourite tv shows. inci sozluk is one of the biggest online communities in turkey which attended the academy awards night in 2010 as the press representative of turkey. we want this two big communities to come together, and for the first step of this we politely ask you to announce our slogan which is "in g we trust". when you announce this you will make us the happiest people in the world. we are also planning to organise a trip to usa to watch your show there.
0up up up
02 dakika çekin kürekleri
0hello conan. we are the writers of an online portal named inci sozluk(means pearl dictionary) from turkey. your show is one of our favourite tv shows. inci sozluk is one of the biggest online communities in turkey which attended the academy awards night in 2010 as the press representative of turkey. we want this two big communities to come together, and for the first step of this we politely ask you to announce our slogan which is "in g we trust". when you announce this you will make us the happiest people in the world. we are also planning to organise a trip to usa to watch your show there.
0up up up
0up upup
0gibertme yalan oldu kimse yok
0hello conan. we are the writers of an online portal named inci sozluk(means pearl dictionary) from turkey. your show is one of our favourite tv shows. inci sozluk is one of the biggest online communities in turkey which attended the academy awards night in 2010 as the press representative of turkey. we want this two big communities to come together, and for the first step of this we politely ask you to announce our slogan which is "in g we trust". when you announce this you will make us the happiest people in the world. we are also planning to organise a trip to usa to watch your show there.
0ben varım panpa başlıyorum artık
0up pup up
0hello conan. we are the writers of an online portal named inci sozluk(means pearl dictionary) from turkey. your show is one of our favourite tv shows. inci sozluk is one of the biggest online communities in turkey which attended the academy awards night in 2010 as the press representative of turkey. we want this two big communities to come together, and for the first step of this we politely ask you to announce our slogan which is "in g we trust". when you announce this you will make us the happiest people in the world. we are also planning to organise a trip to usa to watch your show there.
0hello conan. we are the writers of an online portal named inci sozluk(means pearl dictionary) from turkey. your show is one of our favourite tv shows. inci sozluk is one of the biggest online communities in turkey which attended the academy awards night in 2010 as the press representative of turkey. we want this two big communities to come together, and for the first step of this we politely ask you to announce our slogan which is "in g we trust". when you announce this you will make us the happiest people in the world. we are also planning to organise a trip to usa to watch your show there.
hadi başlayın amk gavatlar 5-6 kişi var orda -
0lan salaklar ne reservedi başladı amunokodukloororororoorm
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