-1lan ne beyinsiz biseysiniz amk yaa =) ananızı gibim gelin bende c4 yapmasını ögretiorm gelin baslıga amk =)) hepinizin anasının anüsünü gibim amk !
+140. How to Kill Someone with your Bare Hands by The Jolly RogerTümünü Göster
This file will explain the basics of hand-to-hand combat, and will tell of the best places to strike and kill an enemy. When engaged in hand-to-hand combat, your life is always at stake. There is only one purpose in combat, and that is to kill your enemy. Never face an enemy with the idea of knocking him out. The chances are extremely good that he will kill YOU instead. When a weapon is not available, one must resort to the full use of his natural weapons. The natural weapons are:
1. The knife edge of your hands.
2. Fingers folded at the second joint or knuckle.
3. The protruding knuckle of your second finger.
4. The heel of your hand.
5. Your boot
6. Elbows
7. Knees
8. Your Teeth.
Attacking is a primary factor. A fight was never won by defensive action. Attack with all of your strength. At any point or any situation, some vulnerable point on your enemies body will be open for attack. Do this while screaming as screaming has two purposes.
1. To frighten and confuse your enemy.
2. To allow you to take a deep breath which, in turn, will put more oxygen in your blood stream.
Your balance and balance of your enemy are two important factors; since, if you succeed in making your enemy lose his balance, the chances are nine to one that you can kill him in your next move. The best over-all stance is where your feet are spread about shoulders width apart, with your right foot about a foot ahead of the left. Both arms should be bent at the elbows parallel to each other. Stand on the balls of your feet and bend your waist slightly. Kind of like a boxer's crouch. Employing a sudden movement or a scream or yell can throw your enemy off-balance. There are many vulnerable points of the body. We will cover them now:
Eyes: Use your fingers in a V-shape and attack in gouging motion.
Nose:(Extremely vulnerable) Strike with the knife edge of the hand along the bridge, which will cause breakage, sharp pain, temporary blindness, and if the blow is hard enough, death. Also, deliver a blow with the heel of your hand in an upward motion, this will shove the bone up into the brain causing death.
Adam's Apple: This spot is usually pretty well protected, but if you get the chance, strike hard with the knife edge of your hand. This should sever the wind-pipe, and then it's all over in a matter of minutes.
Temple: There is a large artery up here, and if you hit it hard enough, it will cause death. If you manage to knock your enemy down, kick him in the temple, and he'll never get up again.
Back of the Neck: A rabbit punch, or blow delivered to the base of the neck can easily break it, but to be safe, it is better to use the butt of a gun or some other heavy blunt object.
Upper lip: A large network of nerves are located. These nerves are extremely close to the skin. A sharp upward blow will cause extreme pain, and unconsciousness.
Ears: Coming up from behind an enemy and cupping the hands in a clapping motion over the victims ears can kill him immediately. The vibrations caused from the clapping motion will burst his eardrums, and cause internal bleeding in the brain.
Groin: A VERY vulnerable spot. If left open, get it with knee hard, and he'll buckle over very fast.
Kidneys: A large nerve that branches off to the spinal cord comes very close to the skin at the kidneys. A direct blow with the knife edge of your hand can cause death.
There are many more ways to kill and injure an enemy, but these should work best for the average person. This is meant only as information and I would not recommend that you use this for a simple High School Brawl. Use these methods only, in your opinion, if your life is in danger. Any one of these methods could very easily kill or cause permanent damage to someone. One more word of caution, you should practice these moves before using them on a dummy, or a mock battle with a friend. (You don't have to actually hit him to practice, just work on accuracy.) -
0eminim birçoğunuz biliyorsunuzdur (liselileri bilmiorm bilirlermi)
bu bomba yakından cevreyede zararlıdır. o yüzden evde denemeyin. yüksek ses ckarır dısarda denerseniz polis gelir uyarayım.
1 boş pet şişe(2.5 lt) , http://www.trt.net.tr/med...-9e49ec4c8708-800x600.jpg
tuz ruhu , http://3.bp.blogspot.com/...vDY3nGw/s1600/tuzruhu.jpg
iki üç parça aliminyum tv anteni , http://www.technudgelive....-large-4-23-07-775146.jpg
şimdi pet şişenin içine tuz ruhunu koyuyosunuz. sonra içine anten parçalarını atıyorsunuz ağzını sıkıca kapatıyorsunuz. sonra 5-6 kere çalkalayın şişeyi. hemen atın kaçın dıbına koyim. elinizde tutmayın mal gibi. sonra uzaktan izleyin. hayvan gibi bir ses cıkıyor gümmmmm. ananı gibim cok eğlenceli. bugun biz hüseyingilin bahçesine attık kaçtık. polis cagırmıslar. -
0@15 lan uğraştırma da özet geç bin
0olm biz bu işleri karpitle yaprdık küçükken karpitle deneyin manyak olur ^^
0vay amk küçüklüğüme zütürdün beni , bahçede çeşitli asitleri birbirine karistirip oyunlar oynardik
0@17 sen ugrasma diye ben mi ugrasim e huur cocuguTümünü Göster
1. Counterfeiting Money
2. Credit Card Fraud
3. Making Plastic Explosives
4. Picking Master Locks
5. The Arts of Lockpicking I
6. The Arts of Lockpicking II
7. Solidox Bombs
8. High Tech Revenge: The Beigebox
9. CO² Bombs
10. Thermite II Bombs
11. Touch Explosives
12. Letter Bombs
13. Paint Bombs
14. Ways to send a car to HELL
15. Do you hate school?
16. Phone related vandalism
17. Highway police radar jamming
18. Smoke Bombs
19. Mail Box Bombs
20. Hot-wiring cars
21. Napalm
22. Fertilizer Bomb
23. Tennis Ball Bomb
24. Diskette Bombs
25. Unlisted Phone Numbers
26. Fuses
27. How to make Potassium Nitrate
28. Exploding Lightbulbs
29. Under water igniters
30. Home-brew blast cannon
31. Chemical Equivalency List
32. Phone Taps
33. Landmines
34. A different Molitov Cocktail
35. Phone Systems Tutorial I
36. Phone Systems Tutorial II
37. Basic Alliance Teleconferencing
38. Aqua Box Plans
39. Hindenberg Bomb
40. How to Kill Someone
41. Phone Systems Tutorial III
42. Black Box Plans
43. The Blotto Box
44. Blowgun
45. Brown Box Plans
46. Calcium Carbide Bomb
47. More Ways to Send a Car to Hell
48. Ripping off Change Machines
49. Clear Box Plans
50. CNA Number Listing
51. Electronic Terrorism
52. Start a Conf. w/o 2600hz or MF
53. Dynamite
54. Auto Exhaust Flame Thrower
55. How to Break into BBs Express
56. Firebomb
57. Fuse Bomb
58. Generic Bomb
59. Green Box Plans
60. Portable Grenade Launcher
61. Basic Hacking Tutorial I
62. Basic Hacking Tutorial II
63. Hacking DEC's
64. Harmless Bombs
65. Breaking into Houses
66. Hypnotism
67. Remote Informer Issue #1
68. Jackpotting ATM Machines
69. Jug Bomb
70. Fun at K-Mart
71. Mace Substitute
72. How to Grow Marijuana
73. Match Head Bomb
74. Terrorizing McDonalds
75. "Mentor's" Last Words
76. The Myth of the 2600hz Detector
77. Blue Box Plans
78. Napalm II
79. Nitroglycerin Recipe
80. Operation: Fuckup
81. Stealing Calls from Payphones
82. Pool Fun
83. Free Postage
84. Unstable Explosives
85. Weird Drugs
86. The Art of Carding
87. Recognizing Credit Cards
88. How to Get a New Identity
89. Remote Informer Issue #2
90. Remote Informer Issue #3
91. Remote Informer Issue #4
92. Remote Informer Issue #5
93. Phreaker's Guide to Loop Lines
94. Ma-Bell Tutorial
95. Getting Money out of Pay Phones
96. Computer-based PBX
97. PC-Pursuit Port Statistics
98. Pearl Box Plans
99. The Phreak File
100. Red Box Plans
101. RemObS
102. Scarlet Box Plans
103. Silver Box Plans
104. Bell Trashing
105. Canadian WATS Phonebook
106. Hacking TRW
107. Hacking VAX & UNIX
108. Verification Circuits
109. White Box Plans
110. The BLAST Box
111. Dealing with the R&R Operator
112. Cellular Phone Phreaking
113. Cheesebox Plans
114. Start Your Own Conferences
115. Gold Box Plans
116. The History of ESS
117. The Lunch Box
118. Olive Box Plans
119. The Tron Box
120. More TRW Info
121. "Phreaker's Phunhouse"
122. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 27
123. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 27
124. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
125. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
126. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
127. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
128. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
129. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
130. Sodium Chlorate
131. Mercury Fulminate
132. Improvised Black Powder
133. Nitric Acid
134. Dust Bomb Instructions
135. Carbon-Tet Explosive
136. Making Picric Acid from Aspirin
137. Reclamation of RDX from C-4
138. Egg-based Gelled Flame Fuels
139. Clothespin Switch
140. Flexible Plate Switch
141. Low Signature System [Silencers]
142. Delay Igniter From Cigarette
143. Nicotine
144. Dried Seed Timer
145. Nail Grenade
146. Bell Glossary
147. Phone Dial Locks -- Beat'em
148. Exchange Scanning
149. A Short History of Phreaking
150. "Secrets of the Little Blue Box"
151. The History of British Phreaking
152. "Bad as Shit"
153. Telenet
154. Fucking with the Operator
155. Phrack Magazine-Vol. 1, Issue 1
156. International Country Codes List
157. Infinity Transmitter Plans
158. LSD
159. Bananas
160. Yummy Marihuana Recipes
161. Peanuts
162. Chemical Fire Bottle
163. Igniter from Book Matches
164. "Red or White Powder" Propellant
165. Pipe Hand Grenade
166. European Credit Card Fraud
167. Potassium Bomb
168. Your Legal Rights
169. Juvenile Offenders' Rights
170. Down The Road Missle
171. Fun With Shotgun Shells
172. Surveillance Equipment
173. Drip Timer
174. Stealing
175. Miscellaneous
176. Shaving cream bomb
177. Ripping off change machines II
178. Lockpicking the EASY way
179. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Prelude
180. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 1
181. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 2
182. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 3
183. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 4
184. Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 5
185. Explosives and Propellants
186. Lockpicking III
187. Chemical Equivalent List II
188. Nitroglycerin II
189. Cellulose Nitrate
190. Starter Explosives
191. Flash Powder
192. Exploding Pens
193. Revised Pipe Bombs
195. Ammonium TriIodide
196. Sulfuric Acid & Amm. Nitrate III
197. Black Powder III
198. Nitrocellulose
199. RDX
200. The Black Gate BBS
201. ANFOS
202. Picric Acid II
203. Bottled Explosives
204. Dry Ice
205. Fuses / Ignitors / Delays
206. Film Canister Bombs
207. Book Bombs
208. Phone Bombs
209. Special Ammunition
210. Rocketry
211. Pipe Cannon II
212. Smoke Bombs
213. Firecrackers
214. Suppliers II
215. Lab-Raid Checklist
216. Misc Anarchy
217. Combo Locks II
218. Misc Anarchy II
219. Thermite IV
bi ton bomba var bi ton kafa yapan şeyin tarifi var bi ton da taktan şey var. -
0@20 e be fahişenin çıkardığı sadece adam çldürme tekniğini sordum napalm tarifi ver demedim sana
0süpermiş lan tam benlik. mahalledeki binleride toplayıp alayını yaparımki ben bunların. babam duyarsa giber ama
0@22 do not try to do these in actual life without supervision of an adult
0@24 hah şöyle ya yola gel iki dakka amk eyvallah buarada şukunu da verdim
0@27 kes lan am biti. zütüne sok yaptıgın c4 ü.
0@14 dıbına goyim indir oku anlarsın. http://www.google.com
0öğrenmeyen bin kalmasın up up up
0@1 kalk artık kalk yatagına yat
0@4 patlama ne kelime anasını gibio hocu. dene birgün kafan bozulduğunda. at boş araziye yak bi sigara gümlemesini izle.
0kireçle yapılan versiyonunu bilir misin panpa
0@6 biliorm karpit diolar kireç gibi beyaz bi madde. çukur açıyorsun ondada yere içine su kouyyorsun. suyun içine karpit atıyorsun ufak bi parça. sonra cukurun üzerini boş konserve tenekesiyle kapatıosun. güüümm diye bi ses cıkıyor teneke anasının dıbına kadar fırlıyor.
bu davulu kim buldu ya
kontrolsüz öfke beni yalnızlaştırdı
varmı bir sorun ben murat kurum
şarkıcı gökselin lisedeki fotoğrafı
ağlayabilmek isterdim
incici gibiyorum istanbulda
kertip ile tertip gibişmiş ortaya
bu chia tohumu hani midede tokluk veriyordu
köpek maması yiyip köpek kulübesinde yatarım
cuf cuf hocayıı izleyince gülmekten sıçacaksıniz
memet ali erbilden tebessüm ettiren latife
10 yıldır protez taşak takıyorumm
domuz gribi olduk iyimi
atomu felan niye buldunuz
japon ferreları niye bu kadar uzun
kayra ile yemekteyiz
sozlukte bi kiz vardı bimden aldıgı ketcapı
a101 patetesli kol böreği
penis kıllarını yavaş uzamasını saglayacak
yılbirhoşgorunun kadın olduğunu dusunup
bir incici günlük hayatı
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 02 02 2025
marmarayda gey ilişki yaşadım az önce
bu gün üsküdardaydım
- / 1