1. 1.
    olm bunlar araştırır ha türkiyede bağlantıları vardır amk bu bağlantıya ulaşmak lazım müdahale etme bırak açsınlar diye
  2. 2.
    @8 ekşici alert
    güzel fikir lan sen aç biz basalım
  3. 3.
    bize up up demek düşer
  4. 4.
    @8 sanat icin gibertirim seni liseli pic.
  5. 5.
    ---up up up---
  6. 6.
    @8 süpersin dostum harikasın kral adamsın
    not:şimdi gibtir git bin
  7. 7.
    up amk up.
  8. 8.
    up amk up.
  9. 9.
    lan yolladım yani bi sürü bilgi girdim dıbına koyim. ama birkaç haftaya cevap verecekler.
  10. 10.
    your updates have been sent to the imdb data editors for review. if they're approved, they will normally appear on the site within the next few weeks. for specific details about this and a more current estimate of processing times, check the processing times page. for questions on the submission process we recommend visiting the contributors help message board. there are also a number of helpful resources at our contributors zone.
  11. 11.
    @33 trollüğünü giberim bin!
  12. 12.
    @1 sen organize et hocu,biz basarız
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
    top100 e çıkartmak kolay değil. 4chanda denendi başarılamadı, boşuna uğraşmayın iktidarsız binler.
  15. 15.
    olum organize olmak lazım imdb fake olduğunu anlar açmaz gibi bu sayfayı ama hadi bakalım.
  16. 16.
    thank you for contributing to the imdb. a detailed receipt for your update is included below. the information you supplied has been passed to the imdb data managers for verification.
    updates normally take around 7 10 days to appear online, but depending on the type of information submitted and various internal factors, it may take longer in some cases. for example additions involving titles or names new to the database require an additional 7 days to process. if your changes still have not appeared online after 28 days, it can mean we were unable to verify the information or it was in some way ineligible for inclusion. however, you should also check the processing times page for any unusual delays, particularly if your data was in one of the following categories: awards, alternate titles.
    for questions on the submission process we recommend visiting the contributors help message board.
    the reference number for this submission is 100703-085830-135000 and it has been added to your update history.
    update summary

    inci giber (2010)
    new title - add
    plain title: inci giber
    type: film
    sub-type: feature
    status: unshown
    year: 2010
    source: ... producer/director/writer
    required data not supplied: will be added soon.
    miscellaneous link - add
    type: msc
    url: http://www.inci.com/
    desc: under construction
    release dates - add
    country: denmark
    date: 1 december 2010
    attribute: (tv premiere)
    country of origin - add
    languages - add
    color / black & white - add
    genres - add
    directors - new name
    name: hakli, adem
    directors - add
    name: hakli, adem
    budget - add
    currency: usd
    amount: 300,000
    official sites - add
    type: off
    url: http://www.inci.com/
    desc: under construction
    distributors - add
    company: inci film [tr]
    attribute: (2004) (turkey) (vhs)
    production companies - add
    company: inci reyis co. [tr]
    cast - new name
    name: hakli, adem
    cast - add
    name: hakli, adem
    character: dede 1
    writers - new name
    name: etgec, rasim oz
    writers - add
    name: etgec, rasim oz
    attribute: (writer)
    producers - new name
    name: dedeler, alim
    producers - add
    name: dedeler, alim
    occupation: producer
  17. 17.
    ---up up up---
  18. 18.
    ---up up up---
  19. 19.
    ---up up up---
  20. 20.
    @1 Kuyudaki inci (: