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0The PlayStation (abbreviated PS) brand is a line of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was first introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, 1994.[1] The PlayStation currently spans the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations of video gaming. The brand consists of a total of three consoles, a media center, an online service and a handheld as well as multiple magazines.
The original PlayStation was the first video game console to ship 100 million units after 9 years and 6 months of its initial launch.[2] Its successor, PlayStation 2, is the best-selling console to date having reached over 140 million units sold as of September 30, 2009.[3] Sony's current console, PlayStation 3, has sold over 38.1 million consoles worldwide as of July 29, 2010.[4] The first handheld game console in the PlayStation series, PlayStation Portable (PSP), has sold a total of 60 million units worldwide as of March 14, 2010.[5]
The PlayStation Network is an online service with over 40 million users worldwide.[6] It comprises an online virtual market, PlayStation Store, to download games as well as various forms of multimedia, a subscription-based online service known as PlayStation Plus and a social gaming networking service called PlayStation Home which has over 14 million users worldwide.[7] The PlayStation Move for the PlayStation 3 will be the brand's first foray into the motion gaming industry. -
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