0beyler kızdan mektup geldi şimdi cevap yazmam lazım
ben de senin gibi düşünüyorum. bence harika bir üçlüyüz. beraberken zaman su gibi akıp gidiyor.
mektubunu alınca ilk işim takvimime bakmak oldu. güzel tarafı şu ki haftaya perşembe hiç bir işim yok. sizinle bulaşmasaydım evde oturup maç izleyecektim. Graham'ın burda olmasına çok sevindim.onu çok uzun zamandır görmüyorum. nasıl değiştiğini görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum. bence red pepper buluşmak için daha uygun bir yer. zaten benim evime de yakın. yemekten sonra bana gideriz. işten saat 8'de çıkıyorum.8.30 gibi orda olurum. şimdilik bu kadar. perşembe günü uzun uzun konuşuruz.
kendine iyi bak
not:çevirene nikaltı+şuku bu arada google translateden çevirmeyin beyler el emeği olsun lütfen
0up up up
0up up up
0ses verin lan
0@1 bunu çeviremiyorsunda kızla nece konuşuyorsun
0@5 ya amk bu mektup resmi kızla böyle mi konuşuyoruz ayrıca yanımda bi tane sağlam ingilizce bilen türk arkadaş var genelde o anlaşıyo
0up up up
0yardım edim panpa
0i think same as you do. we could make a great threesome together. when i first got your mail, i faped. i am so happy that graham was here, we had a great night alone in same bed. he is so talented. red pepper is great choice to meet, we could make a train together. ill get out at 8pm from work, we will talk thursday we ll have long time, wish my dick was lil longer too.
love you -
0@9 tercuman amk
0@9 bravo şukuladım bundan daha doğru bi tercüme çıkacağını sanmıyorum. gönder gitsin...
0ı m think like you.ı m idea we gread tree. time is crying like a water.ı take the your mail my first job my look at the takvimm.it s beaituful next thursday ı m free no job.ı m wathing tv if meet you. graham was here ı m very happy.ı dont see ıts a very long time. after eat we goes the my home. when ı was a leaving job ı says vajin day oil.ı was 8.30 here. that end for now. long long talking for next thursday.
good look yourself
şuku ver lan beynim gibildi -
0@9 oha moderatör de gelirmiş başlığıma daşaklarını yalarım
0i'm thinking like you. we three are perfect, when we're together, time passes very fast. when i received your letter, i looked up to the calendar, the good thing is i'm free on thursday, if i hadn't met you, i was going to watch sports, i'm happy graham was here, i haven't seen her for a long time, i'm excited about how different she's now. in my opinion, red pepper is the most suitable place to meet, its close to my home also.. after lunch we go to my home, i leave job at 8pm , i'll be there at 8.30 pm, its that for now, talk to you on thursday, take care,
şuku + nick altı please. -
0@9 oha yeni farkettim vay pekekent ben de az kalsın yolluyodum amk
0im thinking in the same with u. i think we are perfect triple. time is going so fast when we are togeher. I look the calendar when i get your letter. the good point is i have nothing to do in thursday. if I hadnt meet u, I will just staying at home and watcing soccer. I'm so happy to Graham is here. I am not seeing her for a long time. I cant wait to see her how different then the old times. I think red pepper is more good place to meet. and its already close to my place. we can go to my place after eating. i'll be off from the work at 8pm and I'll be in there at 8.30pm. thats is for now. we will talk more at thursday.
take care,
şuku nick falan takıl panpa. daha formal çeviremedim vaktim yoktu kusura bakma. -
0@9 koptum lan helal
- 18.
0i also think like you. i think a great üçlüyüz. are together, such as when the water is flowing.
my first job was to look at my calendar when you receive your letter. no job is never a nice thing is that on thursday next week. izleyecektim bulaşmasaydım you sit at home and match. graham was here for so long i do not see much sevindim.onu. can not wait to see the changes. i think a more appropriate place to meet the red pepper. already close to my house. after dinner, go me. i'll be there for work at 8 o'clock like çıkıyorum.8.30. now that's it. a long talk on thursday.
take care of yourself
love -
0i want sex. thank you.