0bunu bu saatte çeviren varsa onun annesini gibeyim. başka bir şey demiyorum amk.
0寺南區的特拉布宗馬茨卡 Sümela寺院,教堂是建一個朗姆酒美白之上。
根據傳說的創始寺院:和侄子兩個 雅典夢'我所看到的,讓他們寺廟的地方在異象中的聖母瑪利亞,描述了他們如何去。
他們 .的故事是,他們離開,並帶走陡坡黑山決定來建立教會,他們的第一塊石頭教堂乾燥。如果您不能確定在教堂的組織被認為是公元375-395之間。
- 瑪麗教堂在使用格魯吉亞,格魯吉亞,數字的形式描述了麥當娜。
- 這是absid部分教堂,高於南牆瑪麗的誕生,並提交投標書的廟宇,基督的出生,生活在提交投標到寺廟
- Absid上述以外,邁克爾,加布里埃爾
- 南大門死亡的瑪利亞和使徒 -
0@42 daha çevrilen kısım yokki amk
0@43 amk ahaha
0@1 intermediate seviyesinde bu çevrilmek için çok kötü bir yazı,
daha uzun ve ayrıntılı bişi bul pm at çevireyim -
0@1 kendi ödevimi bile yapmam ama al zütüne sok.
sümela monestery is located at south of maçka, trabzon. it is a rum monestery which gets its name from the word “menas” which means black-darkness.
according to the legend, 2 athenians barbaras and his nephew sophronios have seen mother marry in their dreams and in the dream mother marry wanted them to build a monastery at the location she wants.
they set off on their journey with the painting which was rumored to be painted by st. luka and after their journey they arrive at trabzon. they then decided to construct the monastery at the hillside of karadağ. although the exact date the monastery constructed is still unkown, it is believed to be between 375-395 ad.
after trabson has been conquered by the turks, ottoman sultans respected who lived at the monastery. sultan selim presented the monastery two candelabras.
at year 1962 the monastery was repaired in order for it to be a better place for tourist. it is now a very suitable place for tourists which impresses whoever sees its magnificence.
the inside of the monastery is covered with fresco.
- in the monastery the figures of mother marry is portrayed as to look like georgian type madonna.
- at the “absid” side of the monastery, at the south wall exist a portrait of birth of mother marry and presentation to temple, the birth of jesus and presentation to temple.
- outside of the “absid” exist a portrait of archangel michael and archangel gabriel
- at the south gate portraits of the death of mother marry and disciples exist -
0hacu bilkentliyim ayiptir sölemesi ama üşendim okumadım bile kusura bakma hem çevirenlerde olmuş zati
0sümela monestery is located at south of maçka, trabzon. it is a rum monestery which gets its name from the word “menas” which means black-darkness.
according to the legend, 2 athenians barbaras and his nephew sophronios have seen mother marry in their dreams and in the dream mother marry wanted them to build a monastery at the location she wants.
they set off on their journey with the painting which was rumored to be painted by st. luka and after their journey they arrive at trabzon. they then decided to construct the monastery at the hillside of karadağ. although the exact date the monastery constructed is still unkown, it is believed to be between 375-395 ad.
after trabson has been conquered by the turks, ottoman sultans respected who lived at the monastery. sultan selim presented the monastery two candelabras.
at year 1962 the monastery was repaired in order for it to be a better place for tourist. it is now a very suitable place for tourists which impresses whoever sees its magnificence.
the inside of the monastery is covered with fresco.
- in the monastery the figures of mother marry is portrayed as to look like georgian type madonna.
- at the “absid” side of the monastery, at the south wall exist a portrait of birth of mother marry and presentation to temple, the birth of jesus and presentation to temple.
- outside of the “absid” exist a portrait of archangel michael and archangel gabriel
- at the south gate portraits of the death of mother marry and disciples exist
kızma ama çok taktan bir çeviri olmuş... google translate mi lan bin...
en basitinden;
satır 1 kelime 2: monestery
satır 7 kelime 1: monastery -
0180 kelimesi 10 tl... odtülüden çeviri yapılır...
daha önce 20'den fazla ab projesi çevirdim... -
0@6 kızılderili dili o bilader
0@6 adam melek beyler
0ben ingilizce okuyorumlan at pm yapaym
0am züt meme
0hello you sex?
0throw format.
0sümela Monastr Trabzonun Maçka mahalının cənubunda mela təpəsinə edilmiş bir rum Manastır və kilisesidir.
sümela adının qara-qara qaranlıq mənasına gələn melas sözündən zütürdüyü deyilər.
sumela manastırının quruluşu əfsanəyə görə: iki atinalı barbabas ilə yeğeni sophronios rüyalarında hz.meryem 'i görmüşler, yuxuda meryem onlara monastr yaptırmalarını və yerini, necə gideceklerini tərif etmişdir.
Onlar st.luka 'nın etdiyi rəvayət olunan tabloyuda beraberlerinde zütürərək yola çıkıyorlar və Trabzona gəlib, Çernoqoriya dik yamacında kilsəyə qurmaq üçün qərar kılıyorlar və theodosios deverinde ilk qaya kilsəsini kuruyorlar. kilsənin quruluş tarixi qəti değilsen MS 375-395 illəri arasında olduğu sanılmaqdadır.
trabzon türklər tərəfindən alındıqdan sonra, osmanlı sultanları Monastr halklarına dokunmamışlardır. sultan Yavuz Monastra 2 Şamdan hədiyyə etmişdir.
1962-ci ildə nərdivanı ilə qapısı təmir ettirilerek turistlerin ziyarətinə əlverişli bir vəziyyətə gətirilmiş olan görkəmli quruluş görenlerin pərəstişini uyandırmaktadır.
kilsənin line fresklerle örtülüdür
- Kilsə içində Məryəm figürleri Gürcülerin istifadə Gürcü madonna şəklində təsvir edilmişdir.
- Əsl kilsənin absid qismində, cənub divarında yuxarıda Məryəmə doğuşu və Mabe sunuluşu, isanın doğuşu, Mabe sunuluşu və həyatı gözləyir
- Absid qisminin xaricində, yuxarıda Mikail, Cəbrayıl vardır
- Cənubi qapısında Məryəmə ölümü və havariler gözləyir -
0@58 tamam öyle karıştıracağım zaten
çok teşekkür ederim ikinizede.
ve diğerlerine -
0yalnız şöyle bişi var zütveren;
iki tane hikaye varmış sümelayla ilgili
bi de heryeri freskle kaplı değil gibtiğimin mekanının. ana şapelde var.
@54 ün çevirisiyle benimkini miksle bişiy yap işte aq -
0i am a pensıl
0Sumela Monastery sits atop Mela hill on the south side of Trabzon's Maçka district. The name Sumela stems from “melas,” which means black in Greek.
There are two stories told about Sumela Monastery. It is told that monastery was built by two Greek priests (Barnabas and his cousin Sophronios) who had a dream of Virgin Mary telling them to build a temple for God in Blacksea. According to the second story St. Luke made a picture depicting the Virgin Mary and her face with black color. The picture considered to be sacred and it once wanted to be replaced, therefore brought to the cave where the first rock church of Sumela Monastery is found now. And when it was found by Barnabas and Sophronios, they made this place into a church complex in A.D. 385.
Until conquest of region by Ottoman in 1461, the monastery was one of the most important temples for Christians Monastery was enlarged and a large library was built in it by Byzantine emperors. After the conquest, it was protected by Fatih Sultan Mehmet and the succeeding sultans, their sons and governors.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, during this governship in the region (1491-1512), fell of his horse and broke his ribs while hunting and was trated by the priests in monastery. To show his gratitude, Sultan gave two golden candlesticks to the monastery.
On 1962, its stairs and gate was put in repair and getting available for tourists visits.
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