0doesnt matter for us
for me
big games easy than the other games
everytimes we controle the games
under the controle the games
during the games
we have the some possibilty
some big chance
some big "okazyon"
something like that
what can i do
its the football that's the football
something happened
everything is something happened
but anyways now is in the tabela
we have the seen the situation
now is second position
and one point more
i dont want to see the back
i want to see the front
and i hope so tomorrow
my teams...
http://www.youtube.com/wa...cxo7k&feature=related -
0i hope so tomorrow the teams…
0i dont want to see the back... i want to see... i want to see the front
0@13 fatih terimin oğlu
0but anyway in the tabele we have to seen the situation now second position and one point moooğğğ
0ananı skerim senın
0in tabela. i want to see front
0what can i do sometimes
- 10.
0run forrest run
0its dı fıtbıl , dets dı fıtbıl... something happened
"everything is something happened" -
0adam fatih terim
0something like that but... what can i do sometimes...
0in the tabele
0what can i do sometimes *hmph*
0unfortuntely everytimes we have the control the games, under the control the games during the games we have the some possibility, some big chances, big okazyons
0adam gremmır terk beyler
0big games easy than the other games
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 28 03 2025
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