Funda mental Problems. These problem sets are located just after the
example problems. They offer students simple applications of the concepts and,
therefore, provide them with the chance to develop their problem-solving skills
before attempting to solve any of the standard problems that follow. You may
consider these problems as extended examples since they all have partial solutions
and answers that are given in the back of the book. Additionally, the fundamental
problems offer students an excellent means of studying for exams; and they can be
used at a later time as a preparation for the Fundamentals in Engineering Exam.
Rewriting. Each section of the text was carefully reviewed and, in many areas, the
material has been redeveloped to better explain the concepts. This has included adding
or changing several of the examples in order to provide more emphasis on the
applications of the important concepts.
Conceptual Problems. Throughout the text, usually at the end of each
chapter, there is a set of problems that involve conceptual situations related to the
application of the mechanics principles contained in the chapter. These analysis and
design problems are intended to engage the students in thinking through a real-life
situation as depicted in a photo. They can be assigned after the students have
developed some expertise in the subject matter.
Additional Photos. The relevance of knowing the subject matter is reflected
by realistic applications depicted in over 60 new and updated photos placed
throughout the book. These photos are generally used to explain how the
principles of mechanics apply to real-world situations. In some sections,
photographs have been used to show how engineers must first make an idealized
model for analysis and then proceed to draw a free-body diagram of this model in
order to apply the theory.
New Problems. There are approximately 50%, or about 850, new problems
added to this edition including aerospace and petroleum engineering, and
biomechanics applications. Also, this new edition now has approximately 17% more
problems than in the previous edition.
Ha l l ma rk Featu res
Besides the new features mentioned above, other outstanding features that define
the contents of the text include the following.
Organization and Approach. Each chapter is organized into well-defined
sections that contain an explanation of specific topics, illustrative example problems,
and a set of homework problems. The topics within each section are placed into
subgroups defined by boldface titles. The purpose of this is to present a structured
method for introducing each new definition or concept and to make the book
convenient for later reference and review.
Chapter Contents. Each chapter begins with an illustration demonstrating a
broad-range application of the material within the chapter. A bulle ted list of the chapter
contents is provided to give a general overview of the material that will be covered.
Em phasis on Free-Body Diagrams. Drawing a free-body diagram is
particularly important when solving problems, and for this reason this step is strongly
emphasized throughout the book. In particular, special sections and examples are
devoted to show how to draw free-body diagrams. Specific homework problems have
also been added to develop this practice.
Procedures for Analysis. A general procedure for analyzing any mechanical
problem is presented at the end of the first chapter. Then this procedure is customized
to relate to specific types of problems that are covered throughout the book. This
unique feature provides the student with a logical and orderly method to follow when
applying the theory. The example problems are solved using this outlined method in
order to clarify its numerical application. Realize, however, that once the relevant
principles have been mastered and enough confidence and judgment have been
obtained, the student can then develop his or her own procedures for solving problems.
I m porta nt Points. This feature provides a review or summary of the most
important concepts in a section and highlights the most significant points that should
be realized when applying the theory to solve problems.
Con ceptual U n dersta nd i n g . Through the use of photographs placed
throughout the book, theory is applied in a simplified way in order to illustrate some
of its more important conceptual features and instill the physical meaning of many
of the terms used in the equations. These simplified applications increase interest in
the subject matter and better prepare the student to understand the examples and
solve problems.
H omework Problems. Apart from the Fundamental and Conceptual type
problems mentioned previously, other types of problems contained in the book include
the following:
• Free-Body Diagram Problems. Some sections of the book contain introductory
problems that only require drawing the free-body diagram for the specific problems
within a problem set. These assignments will impress upon the student the
importance of mastering this skill as a requirement for a complete solution of any
equilibrium problem.
• General Analysis and Design Problems. The majority o f problems in the
book depict realistic situations encountered in engineering practice. Some of
these problems come from actual products used in industry. It is hoped that this
realism will both stimulate the student's interest in engineering mechanics and
provide a means for developing the skill to reduce any such problem from its
physical description to a model or symbolic representation to which the principles
of mechanics may be applied.
Throughout the book, there is an approximate balance of problems using either SI
or FPS units. Furthermore, in any set, an attempt has been made to arrange the
problems in order of increasing difficulty except for the end of chapter review
problems, which are presented in random order.
• Computer Problems. An effort has been made to include some problems that
may be solved using a numerical procedure executed on either a desktop computer
or a programmable pocket calculator. The intent here is to broaden the student's
capacity for using other forms of mathematical analysis without sacrificing the time
needed to focus on the application of the principles of mechanics. Problems of this
type, which either can or must be solved using numerical procedures, are identified
by a "square" symbol (_) preceding the problem number.
With so many homework problems in this new edition, they have now been placed
in three different categories. Problems that are simply indicated by a problem number
have an answer given in the back of the book. If a bullet (.) precedes the problem
number, then a suggestion, key equation, or additional numerical result is given along
with the answer. Finally, an asterisk (*) before every fourth problem number indicates
a problem without an answer.
Accu racy. As with the previous editions, apart from the author, the accuracy of
the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by four other parties:
Scott Hendricks, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Karim Nohra,
University of South Florida; Kurt Norlin, Laurel Tech Integrated Publishing
Services; and finally Kai B eng Yap, a practicing engineer, who in addition to
accuracy review provided content development suggestions.
The book is divided into 11 chapters, in which the principles are applied first to simple,
then to more complicated situations.
The kinematics of a particle is discussed in Chapter 12, followed by a discussion of
particle kinetics in Chapter 13 (Equation of Motion), Chapter 14 (Work and Energy),
and Chapter 15 (Impulse and Momentum). The concepts of particle dynamics
contained in these four chapters are then summarized in a "review" section, and the
student is given the chance to identify and solve a variety of problems. A similar
sequence of presentation is given for the planar motion of a rigid body: Chapter 16
(Planar Kinematics), Chapter 17 (Equations of Motion) , Chapter 18 (Work and
Energy), and Chapter 19 (Impulse and Momentum), followed by a summary and
review set of problems for these chapters.
If time permits, some of the material involving three-dimensional rigid-body motion
may be included in the course. The kinematics and kinetics of this motion are discussed
in Chapters 20 and 21, respectively. Chapter 22 (Vibrations) may be included if the
student has the necessary mathematical background. Sections of the book that are
considered to be beyond the scope of the basic dynamics course are indicated by a star
(*) and may be omitted. Note that this material also provides a suitable reference for
basic principles when it is discussed in more advanced courses. Finally, Appendix A
provides a list of mathematical formulas needed to solve the problems in the book,
Appendix B provides a brief review of vector analysis, and Appendix C reviews
application of the chain rule.
Alternative Coverage. At the discretion of the instructor, it is possible to cover
Chapters 12 through 19 in the following order with no loss in continuity: Chapters 12
and 16 (Kinematics), Chapters 13 and 17 (Equations of Motion), Chapter 14 and 18
(Work and Energy), and Chapters 15 and 19 (Impulse and Momentum).
Ackn owl edgments
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