1. 1.
    "in short, intelligence, considered in what seems to be its original feature, is the faculty of manufacturing artificial objects, especially tools to make tools, and of indefinitely urging the manufacture." —henri louis bergson on intellect
    "instinct perfected is a faculty of using and even constructing organized instruments; intelligence perfected is the faculty of making and using unorganized instruments." —henri louis bergson on intellect
    "for the eye of the intellect "sees in all objects what it brought with it the means of seeing." - thomas carlyle," —thomas carlyle on intellect
    "we should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality." —thomas carlyle on intellect
    "the growth of the intellect is spontaneous in every expansion. the mind that grows could not predict the times, the means, the mode of that spontaneity. god enters by a private door into every individual." —ralph waldo emerson on intellect
    "works of the intellect are great only by comparison with each other." —ralph waldo emerson on intellect
    "'tis good-will makes intelligence." —ralph waldo emerson on intellect
    "thou living ray of intellectual fire." —william falconer on intellect
    "i do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." —william falconer on intellect
    "glorious indeed is the world of god around us, but more glorious the world of god within us. there lies the land of song; there lies the poet's native land." —henry wadsworth longfellow on intellect
    "the hand that follows intellect can achieve." —michelangelo buonarotti on intellect
    "a man is not a wall, whose stones are crushed upon the road; or a pipe, whose fragments are thrown away at a street corner.
  1. 2.
    wat dı fak?
  2. 3.
    fother mucker
  3. 4.
    tesadüf ?
  4. 5.
    aaaay vana ım ım aaaaaayyy
  5. 6.
    okey dyud bat vay du yu kopi en peyst, sey samting bay yor ovn
  6. 7.
  7. 8.
  8. 9.
    vay anam vay neler dönmüş serhat ya.
  9. 10.
    ok man bat ay dont naauv what i talk aboot
  10. 11.
    vi are from iğst sayd maderfakır.
  11. 12.
    u motherfucker son of a bitch asshole fucker bullshit.
  12. 13.
    what the hell are u talking about.ur mom always sucking yaraaa yedik's balls.i hope ur mam like that.
  13. 14.
    unidentified flying object.
  14. 15.
    tesadüf ing ne demek ?
  15. 16.
    buradan anlaşılıyorki sözlüğümüzün kültür seviyeside gibi kadar varmış.
  16. 17.
    tesadüf means coincidence.
  17. 18.
    it doesn't matter for us, for me. big games easy than the other games, unfortunately. everytime is we have the control the games, under the control the games, during the games, we have the some possibility, some big chances, some big okazyon, something like that but, what can i do, sometimes. it is the football, that is the football. something happened everything is something happened. but anyway, now is in the tabele, we have to see the situation, now is second position, and, one point more, i don't want to see the back, i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my team's

    budur olm.
  18. 19.
    coincidence : tesadüf
  19. 20.
    black eyed pic aferim entel bir bin oldun.