0devam devam
0up 1 gibertmede benden
0Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0up up up
0up up up pupu
0gibin zütverenleri up up up
0up up up
0picler sonuna thank you falan yazin resmi olsun biraz bide ismizini yazin
this website contains spam messages. there is no useful information inside and also, they have too many users. they are attacking other websites by spamming, for advertising. google is included in these attacked websites. i can prove you that these http://www.eksisozluk.com/ users were trying to change the translation function of google, with pictures.
we just want clean internet sites.
thank you
seklinde ona gore. cunku yabancilar hep mesaj atarken bu sekilde kullaniyorlar -
0koydum zütüne yolladım amk
0tamamdır panpa
0adam emek vermiş amk.
upupuppupupup -
0report sent
thanks for sending a report to google. now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. learn more about malware that can infect your computer on stopbadware.org. -
0yolladım birkaçkez
0yolladım panpa
0yolladım gitti amk.
0report sent
thanks for sending a report to google. now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. learn more about malware that can infect your computer on stopbadware.org. -
0yolladım panpa
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