0yolladım panpa ekşiyi gibiyoruz
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0yaptım panpa
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Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0:666: :666: :666: :666:
:666: :666:
:666: :666:
Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
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:666: :666:
:666: :666:
Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0Report Sent
Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org.
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0Thanks for sending a report to Google. Now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. Take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. Call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. Learn more about malware that can infect your computer on Stopbadware.org. -
0yaptım panpa şukumu isterim .d
0tamamdır ;)
edit: pena yazın görün. hala ilk sıradalar amk :( -
0thanks for sending a report to google. now that you've done your good deed for the day, feel free to:
1. take a second to rejoice merrily for doing your part in making the web a safer place.
2. call/email/write to a neighbor/friend/relative and tell them what phishing is and how they can protect themselves.
3. learn more about malware that can infect your computer on stopbadware.org. -
0kökledim panpaaaaaa
zıpla zıplaa zıplamayan ekşiciii -
0yolladım panpa
0ettim panpa
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