1. 51.

    Metallica - Unforgiven

    New blood joins this earth
    And quickly he's subdued
    Through constant pained disgrace
    The young boy learns their rules

    With time the child draws in
    This whipping boy done wrong
    Deprived of all his thoughts
    The young man strugggles on and on he's known
    A vow unto his own
    That never from this day
    His will they'll take away

    What i've felt
    What i've known
    Never shined through in what i've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been
    What i've felt
    What i've known
    Never shined through in what i've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So i dub thee UNFORGIVEN

    They dedicate their lives
    To running all of his
    He tries to please then all
    This bitter man he is
    Throughout his life the same
    He's battled constantly
    This fight he cannot win
    A tired man they see no longer cares
    The old man then prepares
    To die regretfully
    That old man here is me
  2. 52.
    doğuştan gelsin panpa http://inciswf.com/1288033921.swf
  3. 53.
    Yavuz Bingöl - Şemsiyemin ucu kare
    Okan Murat Öztürk- Sislikaya
    Okan Murat Öztürk - Suya gider allı gelin has gelin
    Sümer Ezgü - Bodrum hakimi
    sümer ezgü - Emirdağı Birbirine ulalı
    nazlı öksüz - yeni cami avlusunda
    kubat- çalın davulları
  4. 54.
    gesi bagları diyeceydim panpa lakin taki lise yıllarından kalma kotu bi anım var o yuzden bi oneri yapmıorum(amk geometri sınavından koca ders gesi baglarımı çalınır yahu)
  5. 55.
    entarisi ala benziyor
    seftalisi bala benziyor

    bir trakya turkusu
  6. 56.
    http://www.facebook.com/v...video.php?v=1135468021967 selam vermeden gelip geçersin
  7. 57.
    http://www.facebook.com/v...video.php?v=1320518053874 ' kadınım '
  8. 58.
    türkü dinlemem ama bu parça istisnadır benım için dınleyın lan begenırsınız
  9. 59.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMD5MoqL1is yine sonbaharda sevmiştim seni kulların allah a taparcasına