1. 22.
    my rope and my belt. my dick and my ball
    (ipimle kuşagim gibimle taşagim )
  2. 21.
    Yurta sulh cihanda sulh
    Peace at home peace on earth
  3. 20.
    The rabbit push the dick at the stone. it say " i fuck the mountain ! "

    (Tavşan gibini taşa surtmus dagi gibtim demis )
  4. 19.
    in Shrubs Rose doesnt finish, words not enough for you.
    çalıda gül bitmez cahile söz yetmez.
  5. 18.
    Bazen amerikalı arkadaşlarla konuşurken kullanıyorum mal gibi suratima bakıyorlar :D
  6. 17.
    Dont have a conversation with donkey, you would make him be offended; dont wipe your ass with a broken glass, you would make your ass cut.

    Etme essekle muhabbet, kusturursun; silme cam kirigiyla gotunu, kestirirsin
  7. 16.
    when arab gets lots of oil, he spreads it to his balls and dick

    arap yağı bol bulunca zikine daşşana sürermiş
  8. 15.
    john come from bosphorus
  9. 14.
    Don't fuck, with foreign one's dick!

    El gibiyle gerdeğe girilmez..
  10. 13.
    @13 ahahahaha
  11. 12.
    if the imam farts, jemaat shit
  12. 11.
    the good friend comes up on the dark days
  13. 10.
    tongue hasn't got any bone!
  14. 9.
    fly is a little creature but it disgusts everyone
  15. 8.
    even mountains can't stand in front of whom says that she wants to eat dick

    yannan yemek isteyenin önünde dağ olsa durmazmş
  16. 7.
    ''you don't laugh to neighbor, and comes your head''.
  17. 6.
    One who thinks of his end cant be a hero

    Sonunu dusunen kahraman olamaz
  18. 5.
    @7 çok açık değil mi panpa? devamı geliyor.

    you have to kiss the hand you can't bend
  19. 4.
    don't lie under a dick, if you can't eat it

    edit: yiyemeyeceğin yannanın altına yatma
  20. 3.
    just hide the straw, don't worry! it's time will come