1. 10.
    @3'e vermeyecek kız yok.
  2. 9.
    get a fak yu
  3. 8.
    sen zahmet etme ben vereyim msn'ini.
  4. 7.
    are you sex
  5. 6.
    warm ass detected
  6. 5.
    and shepherds we shall be, for thee, my lord, for thee. power hath descendth forth from thy hand that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. so we shall fall river forth to thee. and teeming with souls shall it ever be.. in nomine patri, et felie, et spiritus scanti.
  7. 4.
    fuck you?
  8. 3.
    +16 -1
    It doesn’t matter for us,for me
    Big games easy than other games, unfortunately
    Everytimes we have the control the games
    Under the control the games
    During the games
    ... We have the some possibility
    Some big chances some big occasion something like that
    But what can I do…. Sometimes
    And it is the football that is the football
    Something happened
    Everything is something happened
    But anyway now is in the tabela
    We have to seen the ….
    Now its second position
    And one point more
    I don’t want to see the back
    I want to see the front
  9. 2.
    fuckoff highschool pitch
  10. 1.
    +1 -4
    dress download vb şaka girişiminde bulunanlara günahımı bile vermem yalnız!

    and start!