+2 -3küfretmeden.
ciddiyim. 3 dönemdir akpartiye oy veriyorum ve ak parti istanbul il başkanlığında yk üyesiyim.
küfretmeden karşılıklı mantıklı konuşalım? -
+3present the history of your father, your mother breadth gelmişini future of their children's future profits if you have love for your friend or ex wife and mother of grandparent, aunt uncle uncle enişteni kayınçonu baldızını your aunt, nearly all kinds of peasant kinsmen uzağını, ideas, behavior, character, spirit and personality of the adjective, pronoun, predicate , they do, they will, actions, kidney, spleen ass, cunt, homesick, lungs, intestines, ayakparmaklarını, ears, nose, mouth, fuck face bitter teeth. Push the son of a bitch fuck shit cunt mother sıçtığı grandson. your sister or your mother or your sister, aunt aunt all the females in the sülalendeki yannanımı tattırırım, gibtikten amlarını then be eaten by dogs, cut with a knife. son of a bitch. bitch, fuck your sister is your mother's mother's mother fuckin 'oh I wish that sektiririm lex steele kaysaydı says to me. mother fucking son of a bitch pine sew. anan is ablution spermimle child gibtirdiğimin dynasty camels. Cobra ass meets my unborn baby is born. amından fuck your wife doing blow job or even your wife fill her mouth spermimle. I push menopause, do not put your mother your mother. father lick my dick so fucking such a ritual, you son of a bitch family, a family that's it. remains an honorable mother genelevdekiler brothel next to your mother goes. Fuck the fucking son of a mother fucking bulldozer ball into the lungs. painted with sexual life as a result of mother, your father can not do it for years, or even the world as a bastard he brought you to your mother gibtirerek daşşaklarımı licking someone else gave thanks to me. asked the secret of this business. Stirring up shit face father shared secret. atlamamalıyım the unborn child was fucking face. and I'm gonna blow your mother handicapping handicapping, remove the mother's grave I'll cut your ass. lakırdılarıyla orrrospu free dictionary shit like you took out the kids and I like you mother fucking assholes orgasm will give you the handicapping handicapping dynasty, who slid a rolling pin. Squeeze their tails and then went to asses the angle left and right mid-match izliycem midwife Killian cunt fucking son of languages like mother-to-ceiling stone for what's really the difference between shooting match clock time of the Catur Cuture girlfriend mom who interfere with the midwife amine zütürrüken vertical stem glasses fucking fuck skerim mouth face fucking bastard tripping taşşaa ass licked version of antelope anzorotun amcıkbaşlı barber çırağıyla you take out a stool with you individually to fuck all of you on the road to taking halaay convoy pattern of a 4-wheel skim fuck your mother your father a standing applause he got to sit fuck are estimated etsene 're all cunt left lobe of his brain that took him to dinner crispy beklesnde wheel to no avail as the election campaign because fuck you, fuck you, Cem Uzan kodumn need convoy into the coffin of the left-brained Ibis yarramın skerim per yarramın you fucking di Fuck What happens if the atmosphere of the world's longest kufr i traposferi magma layer girsin head of the queue you fucking virgin forests, mountains, and the Taurus Mountains girsin derkeen the keyboard keys you could not go in girsin Gris, is not entered at istanbulun yarraandan roast birds ass like pussy take shape taken into kavayleyi keep in mind that the akıllansın akılsızının fucking dick Edil sentenced to three years and 10 months skyline midwife fucking motherfucker you to your grave skim skim the execution of the judgment appears to be three-headed dick fucking Dumb girsin you base your shoe producer of skim skim your directing team fucking ass skim texts flowing flowing writing team, saying star cast warstaki darth wader that's the black mask, black cape, where I sariii skim skim over the fucking kodumunn manitasını jedi jedi have come to Turkey Speaking lies that the American group, jedi mind tricks american can remember i thought skim over the age of 35 he also came jamesson fucking jenna have yarra ferre shook her starring role in films at all yarraana cited as the only candidate this year it is especially short brunette girl wandering with her throat while waiting for the bridge fee paid letter appears at the box office with a police cordon at the right-hand side looking at the people ta joke skiiim fucking asshole fuck koduuumunun According to a report received at ibişovski.şu dick joke disguised as a midwife on the agenda of amine ankara forgot yannanımın alive I heard what I heard skiolarmış gibten color into the pussy ass flows amcıklarla here I am heartbroken eels fish skim smart ass fucking girsin aşşaa slope ratio at rexin taşşaa Come sit on the bi başaa yarramın WAHS başşaaaaaa Tassa yavşaaaaaaaaa motherfucker fuck you motherfucker · Internet blog I also post their host in the domain of gardi fucking wrote them was blind, but now my keyboard, enter koyamıom INI enter skim what format it's fucking you, especially the space key on my keyboard girsin I fucking keyboard girsin gift to your mom pussy brained processors and gforce um motherfucker ibişcanlı the Titanic wreck in italic It's fucking wreck you you you you have a deck or skim the entire crew gas can fuck you fuck them come heard Hard to port my code yarrama sit in the air at the time of Yarram half of you half of your mother father half of my head girsin manitana motherfucker do not ask me how many there are half of all the crew enthusiast gibio yarramın you gibtğiminin motorized sea, land and air forces of the team midwife amine seat to seat you at a time that posture bağrır way bi-footed shot fucking cunt he yaraaak few cents headed man looking at you fagot-tailed ibiş amcıklı offline offline giberim.msn live msn add 72% when installing the latest plug-in that put such a mother fucking ends direct download. You look like you fags Nuri Alco yarrağa it sit even if it seems to drop. To introduce Kosovars fucking bitch now released a fart brat-bitch bastard lying on the side of the side to come up, the very fabric of the mouth Fuck you, you fucking fuck fucking nerves there or draft bitch, ass giving bıkmayan cheese, you sixteen program while performing on MTV's bitch Fuck you Fuck fuck fuck that replicates the feelings of mr.marcus attırayım get a flood of emotions to come off the bench to contribute to the hard-boiled buluniim fucking asshole huurebenin.Tümünü Göster
+1 -1akpliyim sonuna kadar
-1Bende ciddi sorumu soruyorum RTe kardeşim türk bile degil müslüman bile degil.. Annesi gürcü bir yahudi dolayısıyla rtede bir yahudi ve babasıda bir rum eşkiyası iken sen nasıl ona oy verebiliyorsun.
-1destekliyorum. tanışalım ben de ankarada üyeyim
+1ak parti yol yapmak dışında, eğitim, meslek edinme, ucuz ulaşım sağlıklı ulaşım, ucuz benzin, az vergi çok verim; için hangi çalışmaları yaptı
+1senin amacın belli amk akp den nemalanıyon gibtir git burdan şimdi bunu yazan adamla tartışmak vakit kaybıdır
-1@9 ben de küfrediyorum. reel hayatta bir şey yapmıyrum tabii, yani gidip adam dövmedim hiç, internette ana bacı sövüyorum ama.
-1@18, bdpnin içinden bir çok kişi ilk etapta bu eylemlerde yokuz diye açıklama yaptı aslında. bunun en büyük göstergesi de kürt bölgelerinin sokağa inmemiş olması. diyarbakırda gezi parkı için eylem gördünüz mü? gezide yok mu kürtler? var. kimisi bdp nin ve pkk nın aksiyon kanadından kimisi de pkk ve bdp den bağımsız devrimci kürtlerden. bdp ve tabanı genelinde fazla destek yok.
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+1akp ve mantık tabi canım..
+1dexer bi 8 sene daha türkiyenin başında
+1kardeşim dexer nasıl biri iyimi gördün mü hiç ?
-1kafası kesılıor jon un.joffrey dugunde zehırlencekcüce babasını öldürüyor kekıllıyle sıkısırken. robb un annesi canlancak tekrardan. bayraksız kardeslıgın lıderı olup sıkcek herkesi. arya asasin oluor gözleri kör olcakejderhalar buyuyunce zaptedemeyecek daenerys. cucenın sevgillisi aslında huur değilmiş.
0@34 kardeşim yahudilik hakında blmedigin şey şu Yahudilik anne tarafından geçer ve annesi bir yahudiyse Rte De %100 yahudidir. VE annesi yahudi olan biri yahudilikten çıkaramazsın. Kimse izin vermez sen müslümanlıgı seçsen bile seni gibe gibe yahudi yaparlar. Sonuç ülkeyi Anasının geni yönetiyor kardeşim. dolayısıyla amerika dolayısıyla israel.
0senin amina koyim senin gibiler yuzunden ebemizi gibti bunlar gibtir git burdan
0@38 senin beynini yıkamışlar. madem adam yahudi oyunlarının askeri, adam daha ilköğretimdeyken ülkenin başına geçeceğini bilmiyoken niye imam hatip lisesini seçsin o zaman?
edit: hem tenzile diye yahudi ismi mi olur lan -
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