/i/Sözlük İçi

sözlük içi.
  1. 1.
    +5 -32
    beyler kusura bakmayın. bu kadar saygın bir haber kanalını rezil ettirmem size. ben whatsapptan aşağıdaki mesajı yazdım kusura bakmayın.

    hi there. as you may have already understood that some people sending you stupid pictures and mentioning that their friends or family members had been kidnapped by turkish government forces during cizre riots. this is totally fake and being done by racist turkish internet trolls. i am so sorry because of sharing air with these people.

    have a nice day.
  2. 2.
    +1 -2
    çocuklar boş yere uğraşmayın.

    thanks alot. you ve saved our time dear friend. cya