1. 1.
    +6 -20
    bir yiğit koptu geldi
    esti geçti tüm meydanlardan
    bir yürek bir de sandık
    gürledi tüm türkiye

    koca recep geldi̇ ağalar
    selam durdu bütün meydanlar
    yenilmez bir yiğitti̇
    pes etti muhalefet

    istanbulda belediyeyi alınca
    çöp dağları aştı tek tek
    bunu gören laikçiler
    yekten getirdi şehadet

    karanlık dehlizlerde kaldı
    pes etmedi hiç bir zaman
    muhtar bile olamz diyenlere
    ettirdi el pençe divan

    nice dünya liderlerine okuttu marşımızı
    şimon perezi ezdi geçti şaşirdi avrupa
    okyanuslar aşip ta ders verdi tüm dünyaya
    selam durdu krallar yenilmez dexer shawna

    üç seçim üst üste kazandı bütün gazalarını
    ağzında kuranda kalbinde iman
    bütün ortadoğu görmedi böyle kahraman

    2023 türkiyesini planlarken
    durmadı derin çetelerle savaştan bir an
    ileri demokrasi utkusyla
    durmak yok yola devammmmm

    şarkının aslı erhan güleryüzün koca yusuf adlı şarkısıydı inşallah biraz değiştirip cihan lideri başbakanımız ricard dexer shawna uyarlamama kızmamıştır.
  1. 2.
    +1 -2
    tabi ki bastım eksiyi
  2. 3.
    +2 -1
    tabi ki bastım eksiyi
  3. 4.
    +2 -1
    tabi ki bastım şukuyu
  4. 5.
    +3 -1
    bütün ortadoğu görmedi böyle bir eksi.
  5. 6.
    +2 -1
    tabii ki bastım eksiyi
  6. 7.
    +1 -2
    bütün ortadoğu görmedi böyle bir eksi.
  7. 8.
    +2 -1
    tabi ki bastım şukuyu
  8. 9.
    bastım şukuyu bazı yerleri degistir panpa
  9. 10.
  10. 11.
    bunu da sana yazdım panpa

    Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
    Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
    Up your nose and in your heinie hole
    I don't care where it goes
    And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
    You should fuck yourself anyway
    Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
    But I know you, you'll be humpin' away
    Fuck yourself with your neighbor's nose
    If you can't use that, use a 10-foot pole
    Stick it up your ass and go for a stroll
    Everyone will know you've been to this show

    If you can't take, eat my stool
    Masturbate with some crazy glue
    I don't care what you do
    Fock yourself with a garden tool
    Fuck yourself with politics
    Ahh they're full of fuckin' fuckin' shit
    I mean you know we've been lied to ever since we were born
    It's amazing that we've been getting fucked that
    Fuck yourself with the world wide web
    Man you could ride that sucker right from your bed
    You may even meet a Tom, Dick, Jane or Billy
    Then grab onto your modem and fuck yourself silly

    Fuck yourself with your heart and soul
    Give it everything you got, hey I'm talkin' to you
    If you can't even fuck yourself,
    How ya gonna fuck somebody else?
    Fuck yourself with my microphone
    I'll give it to you later when we're all alone
    We can turn it up loud
    And see if you come, but
    Don't get your jizz on my microphone
    Fuck yourself with organized religion
    Now that is some seriously sinnin' business
    If the Lord sees their pathetic crimes
    He'll be fuckin' them 'til the end of time

    And can someone explain to me this racist crap
    I know it isn't white, but it isn't black
    And to all you people who only see things your way
    Well, you can suck my dick and take all day
    Fuck your nose with a pound of blow
    Watch your money get up and go
    but when you burnt your brain and you say
    I don't know!
    I hate to tell you but I told you so
    Fuck yourself with this grunge rock noise
    I mean, stuff those albums in your groin
    They come down on me because I know how to play -
    Hey... fuck you!
    Fuck yourself with a copy of Rolling Stone
    Or are they too holy for your holiest of holes
    Now those people think they're holier than Moses
    But aren't they just a bunch of fuckin' posers
    Fuck yourself with your mother's jewelry
    I won't tell, I ain't a stooly
    If you pounce hard enough you'll cough up a ruby
    Your blood will be rich and so will your doodie
    Fuck yourself with the latest fashion
    With your spikes and your hair and those cute
    little buttons
    And if you happen to have some leather and lace
    Fuck yourself 'til you're blue in the face
    Fuck yourself with your income tax
    They're fucking you and that's a fact
    Before you know it your money's all spent
    And you've just been fucked by the government
    Fuck yourself with your lawyer friend
    You're the only one that's getting fucked in the end
    I have been so fucked by legal bills
    that my asshole is the size of Beverly Hills
    Fuck yourself with your full-length sweater
    With your minks and your diamonds and your Irish Setter
    With your cash and your trash and your sinks and your drinks
    Just fuck yourself 'til you can't even think

    Those of you who enjoy this song
    thank you thank you, I love you
    Let's get it on
    But for those of you who are totally outraged
    Fuck yourself with your face
    Tümünü Göster
  11. 12.
    ben führerim ricard dexer shawn aldığım ışıkla hepinize şuku verdim.

    çünkü başbakan %50 nin değil rumelinin ve bulgaristan kontluğunun ve makedonya hanlığının ve ırak hidivliğinin ve halep vilayetinin ve anadolu eyaletinin ve gürcistan cumhuriyetinin ve eyaleti trablusun ve kıprısın cümle ülkelerinin ulu hakanı yenilmez komutanıdır. allah onun gösterdiği yolda hiç durmadan yüreyecek nesillerin sayısısnı artırsın amin
  12. 13.
    (bkz: laikçi banka görevlisine verilen tarihi ayar)
  13. 14.
  14. 15.
    okumadan eksi
  15. 16.
    tabi ki bastım eksiyi
  16. 17.
    bu başlık uplanır
  17. 18.
    şukular şelale
  18. 19.
    eksileyin bini
  19. 20.
    eksileyenin anası babasını öpsün

    şaka lan şaka beni öpsün ekiekiekieki