0ezberlediğim ilk ingilizce şarkı hâla ezberimdedir
şarkı sözü
Down in the forest, near a village
Lived the man called 'Nick The Chopper'
Chopping woods his game and making money
Caring no for trees, he blindly chops on
Never to be married, he never washes
He never went to school, Nick the chopper
Chopping woods is game and getting money
He does'nt care for life even for a friend now.
He's a dirty old man Nick the chopper
He's a dirty old man Nick the chopper
A very old man he had decided
To make his fortune Nick the chopper
Chopping woods is game, he couldn't stop it
He wants to cut down all the forest
The trees, they hated him they made a promise
Give him a lesson Nick the Chopper
Chopping woods is game, he couldn't stop it
But as the story goes, he is beaten at his game
He's a dirty old man Nick the chopper
He's a dirty old man Nick the chopper
We are gonna kill you, Nick the chopper
Stundle you with branches Nick the chopper.
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