1. 1.
    qaydalar artıq Lissabon (iyun 1992) Avropa Şuraları tərtib from üzrə sonra Corfu (iyun 1994) və Essen (dekabr 1994) və Komissiyanın təklifləri, Avropa Birliyi (AB) öz əlaqələr üçün yeni çərçivə yaratmaq qərarına keçirmək üçün əsas Aralıq dənizi ölkələri ilə əməkdaşlıq təşkil etmək. Bu tərəfdaşlıq reallığa Barselona Konfrans 27 dəfə oldu və 28 noyabr 1995-ci bir araya Xarici işlər 15 Ai Üzv Dövlətləri və aşağıdakı 12 Aralıq qeyri-üzv ölkələri (MNCs): Əlcəzair, Kipr, Misir, israil üçün Nazirlər gətirmişdir , iordaniya, Livan, Malta, Mərakeş, Fələstin Authority, Suriya, Tunis və Türkiyə. Ərəb Liqasının Ştatları və ərəb Maghreb Birliyi (ATU) da dəvət olunmuşdular, Mavritaniya (bu UMA üzvü kimi) kimi.

    Bu konfrans bir proses dialoq və AB Aralıq dənizi və onun tərəfdaşları arasında əməkdaşlıq üçün çoxtərəfli çərçivəsində qurmaq üçün hazırlanmış qoymuşdur. Görüşdə, bir Bəyannaməsi və iş proqramı yekdilliklə 27 iştirakçı ölkələr tərəfindən qəbul edilmişdir. Bu, Avropa-Aralıq dənizi Bəyannaməsi və çoxtərəfli çərçivəsində birgə və təhlükəsizlik aspektlərinin iqtisadi cəlb müəyyən bir sosial, mədəni və insan ölçüsü ibarətdir.

    preambulada, iştirakçılarının öz arzusu uzun və Avro-Aralıq dənizi münasibətləri xarakterizə edir, bu əlaqələr hərtərəfli əməkdaşlıq və həmrəylik əsasında yeni bir boyut vermək ənənəvi bilateralism ötesine təsdiqləmək. Bu uzunmüddətli çərçivəsində çoxtərəfli əməkdaşlığın bir ruhu, xüsusiyyətləri hər iştirakçıları xas üçün məhdudiyyətlər əsaslanır. Yeni çoxtərəfli çərçivəsində həmçinin ikitərəfli əlaqələrin möhkəmləndirilməsi üçün həmkarı edir.

    Avropa-Aralıq dənizi tərəfdaşlıq digər fəaliyyət və təşəbbüslər sülh maraqlarına, sabitlik və regionun inkişaf həyata dəyişdirmək üçün nəzərdə deyil. iştirakçılar Orta Doğu yalnız bir, hərtərəfli və sülh həll həyata keçirilməsinə müvafiq Birləşmiş Millətlər Təşkilatının Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının qətnamələrinə və prinsiplərə Madrid Yaxın Şərq Sülh Konfransı, sülh prinsip üzrə torpaq o cümlədən dəvət məktubunda göstərilən əsasında support.

    Yeni, hərtərəfli Avropa-Aralıq dənizi tərəfdaşlıq üç əsas aspektləri üzrə yönəlmişdir:

    siyasi və təhlükəsizlik aspekt sülh və sabitliyin ümumi sahəsi yaratmaq məqsədi *;
    iqtisadi və maliyyə aspekt paylaşılan firavanlıq sahəsi yaradılmasına imkan ümid edir *;
    , mədəni, sosial və humanitar aspekt insan resurslarının inkişaf etdirmək və təbliğ mədəniyyətlər və mübadilə arasında anlaşma vətəndaş cəmiyyətləri arasında çalışır *.

    Siyasi və təhlükəsizlik tərəfdaşlıq

    Barselona Konfrans iştirakçıları hərtərəfli, müntəzəm siyasi dialoq ikitərəfli dialoq üçün nəzərdə tamamlamaq üçün yaratmaq qərara Assosiasiyanın müqavil. Bundan əlavə, Bəyannaməsi xarici və daxili sabitliyin məsələlərdə ümumi məqsədləri bir sıra müəyyən edir. Tərəflər BMT-nin Nizamnaməsi və Bəyannamənin insan hüquqları, habelə beynəlxalq hüquq altında digər vəzifələri uyğun olaraq hərəkət etmək atmışdır, o yaranan out regional və beynəlxalq sənədlərdə xüsusilə. insan hüquqları və ifadə azadlığının, birləşmək və fikir azadlığı, vicdan və din, o cümlədən əsas azadlıqlarının (hörmət) bir neçə dəfə daha təsdiq etmişdir. Bəyannamənin ki, mühüm əlverişli nəzərə vermək, tərəflər arasında dialoq yolu ilə, informasiya mübadiləsi üçün vacib insan hüquqları, əsas azadlıqlarının, irqçilik və ksenofobiya aid təsbit edilmişdir.

    Bu çərçivə onların hər birinin sağ və seçmək üçün sərbəst öz siyasi, sosial-mədəni, iqtisadi və məhkəmə sistemi yaratmaq, tanınması zamanı Tərəflər öz siyasi sistemlər hüquq və demokratiya qayda yaratmaq, razıyam.

    Imzalayan da öz suveren bərabərlik və xalqların bərabər hüquq və öz müqəddəratını təyin etmək hüququna hörmət etmək, onların həyata. ərazi bütövlüyünə hörmət, başqa bir ortaq daxili işlər qeyri-müdaxilə prinsipləri və mübahisələrin sülh yolu ilə həll Konfrans iştirakçıları arasında münasibətlərin əsas elementləri kimi vurgulanır edilmişdir.

    Tərəflər həmçinin terrorçuluq və mütəşəkkil cinayətkarlıqla mübarizə, bütün aspektləri problem narkotik mübarizə razılıq vermişdir.

    Bundan əlavə, iştirakçılar və regional təhlükəsizlik təşviq etmək yayılması qarşısını almaq üçün iş atmışdır nüvə, və beynəlxalq və regional yayılmaması rejiminin və müxtəlif silahlara nəzarət və tərksilah sazişlər uyğun riayət vasitəsilə kimyəvi və bioloji silahların. Tərəflər həmçinin Orta Doğu zonasında kütləvi qırğın silahlarının pulsuz davam edəcək.

    iqtisadi və maliyyə tərəfdaşlıq

    Aralıq dənizi paylaşılan çiçəklənməsi alan yaradılması davamlı və tarazlı sosial-iqtisadi inkişafı və əhali, məşğulluq səviyyəsinin artması və regional əməkdaşlıq və inteqrasiya Həvəsləndirmə həyat şəraitinin yaxşılaşdırılması bir tələb edir. Bu vəzifələri, Ai və onun tərəfdaşları nail olmaq məqsədilə əsasında iqtisadi və maliyyə tərəfdaşlıq qurmaq razılaşdırılmış:

    • Azad ticarət sahəsi mütərəqqi yaradılması;
    • Müvafiq iqtisadi əməkdaşlıq və müvafiq ərazilərdə əlbir fəaliyyətinin həyata keçirilməsi;
    öz tərəfdaşları Avropa ittifaqının maliyyə yardımı * böyük artırır.

    yeni EuroMediterranean müqavilələri və azad ticarət müqavilələri vasitəsi ilə qurmaq üçün azad ticarət sahəsi (FTA) olan MNCs özləri arasında bağlanan lazımdır. Tərəflər olan Dünya Ticarət Təşkilatına (ÜTT) öhdəlikləri uyğun ən ticarət əhatə edəcək bu sahədə tədricən yaradılması üçün hədəf tarix kimi 2010 qoymuşuq. Tarif və nontariff maneələri istehsal məhsullarının tədricən uyğun olaraq planı ilə ləğv ediləcək tərəfdaşlar arasında danışıqlar üçün ticarət. Ticarət, kənd təsərrüfatı məhsullarının mərhələlərinin, o services ticarət edəcək liberallaşdırılmışdır olacaq.

    Avropa-Aralıq dənizi FTA, AB və MNCs yaradılması asanlaşdırmaq üçün dörd prioritet sahələr müəyyən:

    • Uyğun tədbirlərin qəbul mənşəli (mənşəli toplanması mütərəqqi tətbiqi qaydaları dair), sertifikatlaşdırma, sənaye və intellektual mülkiyyət hüquqlarının qorunması və müsabiqə;
    • Bu təqib və siyasətinin inkişafı bazar iqtisadiyyatı prinsipləri əsasında və onların iqtisadi nəzərə olunmasının inteqrasiya öz ehtiyac və inkişaf səviyyəsi hesab;
    • Düzəlişlərin və iqtisadi və sosial strukturlarının müasirləşdirilməsi, təşviqi və özəl sektorun inkişafına üstünlük verilməsi, məhsuldar sektoru təkmilləşdirilməsi və bazar iqtisadiyyatı üçün müvafiq institusional və tənzimləyici bazanın yaradılması. Onlar beləcə olan neediest əhalisinin xeyrinə inkişaf proqramları ilə bu düzəlişlərin nəticəsində bilər mənfi sosial nəticələrinin azaltmaq üçün səy edir;
    • Mexanizmlərinin təşviqi texnologiya köçürmələri təşviq etməyə.

    Bu iş proqramı neçə praktiki tədbirlər gömrük qayda və prosedurlarına, uyumlaştırılması və özbaşına texniki maneələrin aradan qaldırılması uyumlaştırılması kimi kənd təsərrüfatı məhsulları ilə ticarət azad ticarət, inkişaf üçün nəzərdə müəyyən edir.

    iqtisadi əməkdaşlıq və AB və MNCs arasında razılaşdırılmış fəaliyyət artış əsasən mühüm bir sıra sahələrdə aiddir:

    • Investisiya və daxili əmanətlərin: MNCs tədricən birbaşa xarici investisiya və iqtisadi inkişaf üçün yardım üçün daxili əmanətlərin gəlir maneələri aradan qaldırmaq lazımdır. Ətraf mühitin əlverişli investisiya yaradılması bilər, Bəyannamənin üçün, texnologiya və artırmaq istehsal və ixrac köçürülməsi səbəb olaraq. Bu iş proqramı, bu maneələrin müəyyənləşdirilməsi vasitələri investisiya və, bank sektoru da daxil olmaqla, bu cür investisiya inkişaf daha da fikir verilməsi əhəmiyyətini olayları;
    bir FTA yaradılması təşviq əsas amil kimi * regional əməkdaşlıq;
    • Sənaye və əməkdaşlıq və kiçik və orta müəssisələr (KOM) üçün dəstək;
    • Ekoloji əməkdaşlıq artırmaq;
    • Inkişaf qadınların rolu dəstəklənməsi;
    qorunması və balıq ehtiyatlarının səmərəli idarə etmək üçün * yaratmaq birgə alətləri;
    • Inkişaf dialoq və enerji sektorunda əməkdaşlıq;
    su mənbə idarə edilməsi sahəsində əməkdaşlıq inkişaf *;
    • Müasirləşdirilməsi və yenidən qurulması kənd təsərrüfatı.
    Tümünü Göster
  2. 2.
    @1 çok haklısın kardeş.bu deklarasyona katılmamak elde değil. ibretlik bir paylaşım gerçekten..
  3. 3.
    @14 təşəkkür edirəm
  4. 4.
    @13 bu genç sayesinde artık anadili azerice olan yazarlarımız da hiçbir güçlük yaşamadan barselona deklarasyonu'nu anlayabilecek, kendilerince yorumlayabilecekler. ne diyelim, halka hizmet, hakka hizmet. bu genci kutluyorum beyler.
  5. 5.
    following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the european councils in lisbon (june 1992), corfu (june 1994) and essen (december 1994) and the commission proposals, the european union (eu) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. this partnership became a reality at the barcelona conference of 27 and 28 november 1995, which brought together the ministers for foreign affairs of the 15 eu member states and the following 12 mediterranean non-member countries (mncs): algeria, cyprus, egypt, israel, jordan, lebanon, malta, morocco, the palestinian authority, syria, tunisia and turkey. the league of arab states and the arab maghreb union (amu) were also invited, as was mauritania (as a member of the uma).

    this conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the eu and its mediterranean partners. at the meeting, a declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. this euro-mediterranean declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    in the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised euro-mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. this lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. the new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    the euro-mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. the participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the middle east based on the relevant united nations security council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the madrid middle east peace conference, including the land for peace principle.

    the new, comprehensive euro-mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    political and security partnership

    the participants in the barcelona conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. in addition, the declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. the parties undertook to act in accordance with the united nations charter and the universal declaration of human rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. the declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    the parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    the signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the conference participants.

    the parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. the parties will also pursue a middle east zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    economic and financial partnership

    the creation of an area of shared prosperity in the mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. with a view to achieving these objectives, the eu and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the european union's financial assistance to its partners.

    the free trade area (fta) is to be set up by means of the new euro mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the mncs themselves. the parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the world trade organisation (wto) obligations. tariff and non tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    to facilitate the establishment of the euro-mediterranean fta, the eu and mncs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. they will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    the work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    the increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the eu and the mncs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: mncs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. the creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. the work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an fta;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (smes);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  6. 6.
    iyi geceler arkadaşlar,

    bu gece barselona deklarasyonu'nun portekizce metnini paylaşacağım sizlerle. yaşadığımız şu internet çağında, portekizce konuşan ve ingilizce bilmeyen bireylerin bu önemli metinden mahrum kalmasını istemiyorum. bu hizmeti bu yüzden yapıyorum.


    na sequência das orientações já definidas pelos Conselhos Europeus de Lisboa (Junho 1992), Corfu (Junho de 1994) e Essen (Dezembro de 1994) e as propostas da Comissão, a União Europeia (UE) decidiu estabelecer um novo quadro para as suas relações com os países da bacia mediterrânica, com vista a formar uma parceria. esta parceria se tornou uma realidade na Conferência de Barcelona de 27 e 28 de Novembro de 1995, que reuniu os ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros dos 15 Estados-Membros da UE e os 12 países do Mediterrâneo não-membros (PTM): Argélia, Chipre, Egipto, Israel , Jordânia, Líbano, Malta, Marrocos, Autoridade Palestiniana, Síria, Tunísia e Turquia. a Liga dos Estados Árabes ea União do Magrebe Árabe (UMA) também foram convidados, bem como a Mauritânia (como membro da UMA).

    Esta conferência lançou as bases de um processo que visa criar um quadro multilateral de diálogo e cooperação entre a UE e os seus parceiros mediterrânicos. na reunião, uma declaração e um programa de trabalho aprovado por unanimidade pelos 27 países participantes. esta declaração euro-mediterrânica, estabelece um quadro multilateral que reúne aspectos económicos e de segurança e inclui também uma dimensão social, humana e cultural.

    no preâmbulo os participantes afirmam sua vontade de ultrapassar o bilateralismo tradicional que há muito caracteriza relações euro-mediterrânicas e dar a estas relações uma nova dimensão, baseada na cooperação global e solidária. Neste contexto multilateral duradoura é baseado em um espírito de parceria, respeitando as características peculiares a cada um dos participantes. o novo quadro multilateral é a contraparte também a um reforço das relações bilaterais.

    a parceria euro-mediterrânica não se destina a substituir as outras actividades e iniciativas em prol da paz, estabilidade e desenvolvimento da região. os participantes apoiar a realização de uma solução justa paz global e duradoura no Médio Oriente com base nas resoluções pertinentes das Nações Unidas Conselho de Segurança e princípios enunciados na carta de convite para a conferência de paz de Madrid no Médio Oriente, incluindo o terreno para o princípio da paz.

    a nova parceria global euro-mediterrânica está centrada em três aspectos fundamentais:

    • O aspecto político e de segurança visa a criação de um espaço comum de paz e estabilidade;
    • O aspecto econômico e financeiro espera para permitir a criação de uma zona de prosperidade partilhada;
    • O aspecto social, cultural e humano visa desenvolver os recursos humanos e promover a compreensão entre culturas eo intercâmbio entre as sociedades civis.

    parceria política e de segurança

    os participantes na Conferência de Barcelona decidiram estabelecer um conjunto completo, o diálogo político regular de complementar o diálogo bilateral previsto nos acordos de associação. Além disso, a declaração estabelece uma série de objectivos comuns em matéria de estabilidade interna e externa. as partes se comprometiam a agir em conformidade com a Carta das Nações Unidas ea Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, bem como outras obrigações sob o direito internacional, nomeadamente as que decorrem dos instrumentos regionais e internacionais. respeito pelos direitos humanos e das liberdades fundamentais (incluindo a liberdade de expressão, liberdade de associação ea liberdade de pensamento, consciência e religião) é reafirmado em diversas ocasiões. a declaração refere que é importante que dê parecer favorável, por meio do diálogo entre as partes, o intercâmbio de informações sobre questões relativas aos direitos humanos, liberdades fundamentais, o racismo ea xenofobia.

    As partes acordam em desenvolver o Estado de direito ea democracia em seus sistemas políticos, embora reconheça, neste contexto, o direito de cada um deles para escolher e desenvolver livremente sua própria política, socio-cultural do sistema económico e judicial.

    signatários também se comprometem a respeitar a sua igualdade de soberania e igualdade de direitos dos povos eo seu direito à autodeterminação. respeito pela integridade territorial, os princípios da não-intervenção nos assuntos internos de outro parceiro e à resolução pacífica de conflitos, foram destacados como elementos-chave das relações entre os participantes da conferência.

    As partes também concordaram em combater o terrorismo eo crime organizado e para combater o problema das drogas em todos os seus aspectos.

    Além disso, os participantes comprometeram-se a promover a segurança regional e trabalhar para evitar a proliferação de armas nucleares, químicas e biológicas, mediante a adesão eo cumprimento regimes regionais e internacionais de não proliferação eo controlo de armas e vários acordos de desarmamento. as partes prosseguirá também uma zona do Oriente Médio livre de armas de destruição em massa.

    parceria económica e financeira

    a criação de uma zona de prosperidade partilhada no Mediterrâneo exige sustentável e equilibrado desenvolvimento sócio-econômico ea melhoria das condições de vida das populações, o aumento do nível de emprego eo fomento da cooperação e integração regionais. com vista a alcançar estes objectivos, a UE e os seus parceiros acordaram em estabelecer uma parceria económica e financeira com base em:

    • O estabelecimento progressivo de uma zona de comércio livre;
    • A implementação da cooperação económica adequada e uma acção concertada nas áreas relevantes;
    • Um aumento substancial da ajuda financeira da União Europeia aos seus parceiros.

    área de livre comércio (TLC), deve ser instituído por meio de novos acordos euro mediterrânica e os acordos de livre comércio a ser celebrado entre as multinacionais se. as partes fixaram 2010 como data limite para a criação progressiva desse espaço, que cobrirá a maior parte do comércio em conformidade com a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) obrigações. barreiras tarifárias e não tarifárias ao comércio de produtos fabricados serão progressivamente eliminados de acordo com os horários a serem negociadas entre os parceiros. comércio de produtos agrícolas será liberalizado em etapas, assim como o comércio de serviços.

    facilitar o estabelecimento da ZCL Euro-Mediterrânica, a UE e das multinacionais definidas quatro áreas prioritárias:

    • Adopção de medidas adequadas no que diz respeito às regras de origem (introdução progressiva da acumulação de origem), a certificação, a protecção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual e industrial, e da concorrência;
    • O exercício eo desenvolvimento de políticas baseadas nos princípios da economia de mercado ea integração das suas economias, tendo em conta as respectivas necessidades e níveis de desenvolvimento;
    • A adaptação e modernização das estruturas económicas e sociais, dando prioridade à promoção e ao desenvolvimento do sector privado, a modernização do sector produtivo ea criação de um quadro institucional e regulamentar para a economia de mercado. eles vão igualmente esforçar-se por atenuar as consequências sociais negativas que poderão advir desse ajustamento, através da promoção de programas para o benefício das populações mais carenciadas;
    • A promoção de mecanismos para incentivar a transferência de tecnologia.

    o programa de trabalho estabelece algumas medidas práticas destinadas a promover o livre comércio, tais como a harmonização das regras e procedimentos aduaneiros, a harmonização das normas e da eliminação das barreiras técnicas injustificadas ao comércio de produtos agrícolas.

    o reforço da cooperação económica e uma acção concertada entre a UE e as multinacionais se refere principalmente a um número de áreas importantes:

    • Investimento e poupança interna: as multinacionais devem eliminar progressivamente os obstáculos ao investimento directo estrangeiro e estimular a poupança interna, a fim de apoiar o desenvolvimento económico. a criação de um ambiente propício ao investimento poderia, de acordo com a declaração, conduzir à transferência de tecnologia e aumentar a produção e as exportações. o programa de trabalho destaca a importância de dar maior reflexão sobre a definição desses obstáculos ao investimento e aos meios, nomeadamente no sector bancário, de promoção do investimento;
    • A cooperação regional como um factor fundamental na promoção da criação de uma ZCL;
    • Cooperação industrial e apoio às pequenas e médias (PME);
    • Reforço da cooperação ambiental;
    • A promoção do papel das mulheres no desenvolvimento;
    • Criação de instrumentos comuns para a conservação e gestão racional dos recursos haliêuticos;
    • Desenvolvimento do diálogo e da cooperação no sector da energia;
    • Desenvolvimento da cooperação no domínio da gestão dos recursos hídricos;
    • Modernização e reestruturação da agricultura.
    Tümünü Göster
  7. 7.
    @10 ve işte barselona dekarasyonu'nun önemini kavramakla kalmayıp adeta özümseyen, kendine misyon edinen bir arkadaşımız. gönül isterdi ki 10 tane şuku hakkım olsun, 10unu da onun zütüne sokayım.
  8. 8.
    @9 işte adam gibi ve duyarlı bir inci sözlük yazarı. bu adam işini biliyor, kalitesini hemen belli ediyor beyler. şukusunu verdiğimi söylememe gerek bile yok sanırım.
  9. 9.
    ndan bir kesit (hepsi sığmıyo)

    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  10. 10.
    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  11. 11.
    önemli bir konu olduğu için altını çiziyorum:

    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  12. 12.
    @5in feriştahı gibilene kadar devam:

    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  15. 15.
    @3 muallaksi için tekrarlıyorum:

    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  16. 16.
    beyler belki anlayamayan, göremeyenler olmuştur diye tekrar paylaşıyorum:

    Following on from the guidelines already drawn up by the European Councils in Lisbon (June 1992), Corfu (June 1994) and Essen (December 1994) and the Commission proposals, the European Union (EU) decided to establish a new framework for its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean basis with a view to forming a partnership. This partnership became a reality at the Barcelona Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, which brought together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the 15 EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) were also invited, as was Mauritania (as a member of the UMA).

    This Conference laid the foundations of a process designed to build a multilateral framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. At the meeting, a Declaration and a work programme were unanimously adopted by the 27 participating countries. This Euro-Mediterranean Declaration establishes a multilateral framework bringing together economic and security aspects and also comprises a social, human and cultural dimension.

    In the preamble, the participants affirm their desire to go beyond the traditional bilateralism that has long characterised Euro-Mediterranean relations and to give these relations a new dimension, based on comprehensive cooperation and solidarity. This lasting multilateral framework is based on a spirit of partnership, with due regard for the characteristics peculiar to each of the participants. The new multilateral framework is also the counterpart to a strengthening of bilateral relations.

    The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region. The participants support the realisation of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and principles mentioned in the letter of invitation to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference, including the land for peace principle.

    The new, comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean partnership focuses on three key aspects:

    • the political and security aspect aims to establish a common area of peace and stability;
    • the economic and financial aspect hopes to allow the creation of an area of shared prosperity;
    • the social, cultural and human aspect aims to develop human resources and promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.

    Political and security partnership

    The participants in the Barcelona Conference decided to establish comprehensive, regular political dialogue to complement the bilateral dialogue provided for in the association agreements. In addition, the Declaration sets out a number of common objectives in matters of internal and external stability. The parties undertook to act in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other obligations under international law, in particular those arising out of regional and international instruments. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (including freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought, conscience and religion) is reaffirmed on several occasions. The Declaration stipulates that it is important to give favourable consideration, through dialogue between the parties, to exchanges of information on matters relating to human rights, fundamental freedoms, racism and xenophobia.

    The parties agree to develop the rule of law and democracy in their political systems, while recognising in this framework the right of each of them to choose and freely develop its own political, socio-cultural, economic and judicial system.

    The signatories also undertake to respect their sovereign equality and the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination. Respect for territorial integrity, the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of another partner and the peaceful settlement of disputes were highlighted as key elements of the relations between the Conference participants.

    The parties also agreed to combat terrorism and organised crime and to combat the drugs problem in all its aspects.

    Moreover, the participants undertook to promote regional security and to work to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons through adherence to and compliance with international and regional non-proliferation regimes and the various arms control and disarmament agreements. The parties will also pursue a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

    Economic and financial partnership

    The creation of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean requires sustainable and balanced socio-economic development and an improvement of the living conditions of the populations, an increase in the employment level and the encouragement of regional cooperation and integration. With a view to achieving these objectives, the EU and its partners agreed to establish an economic and financial partnership based on:

    • the progressive establishment of a free trade area;
    • the implementation of appropriate economic cooperation and concerted action in the relevant areas;
    • a substantial increase in the European Union's financial assistance to its partners.

    The free trade area (FTA) is to be set up by means of the new Euro­Mediterranean agreements and free trade agreements to be concluded between the MNCs themselves. The parties have set 2010 as the target date for the gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations. Tariff and non­tariff barriers to trade in manufactured products will be progressively eliminated in accordance with timetables to be negotiated between the partners. Trade in agricultural products will be liberalised in stages, as will trade in services.

    To facilitate the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA, the EU and MNCs defined four priority areas:

    • the adoption of suitable measures as regards rules of origin (progressive introduction of cumulation of origin), certification, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, and competition;
    • the pursuit and the development of policies based on the principles of market economy and the integration of their economies taking into account their respective needs and levels of development;
    • the adjustment and modernisation of economic and social structures, giving priority to the promotion and development of the private sector, the upgrading of the productive sector and the establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for a market economy. They will likewise endeavour to mitigate the negative social consequences which may result from this adjustment, by promoting programmes for the benefit of the neediest populations;
    • the promotion of mechanisms to foster transfers of technology.

    The work programme sets out some practical measures designed to promote free trade, such as the harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, the harmonisation of standards and the elimination of unwarranted technical barriers to trade in agricultural products.

    The increase in economic cooperation and concerted action between the EU and the MNCs relates primarily to a number of important areas:

    • investment and internal savings: MNCs must progressively eliminate obstacles to direct foreign investment and encourage internal savings in order to support economic development. The creation of an environment conducive to investment could, according to the Declaration, lead to the transfer of technology and increase production and exports. The work programme highlights the importance of giving greater thought to the definition of these obstacles to investment and to means, including in the banking sector, of promoting such investment;
    • regional cooperation as a key factor in promoting the creation of an FTA;
    • industrial cooperation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
    • stepping up environmental cooperation;
    • promoting the role of women in development;
    • creating joint instruments for the conservation and rational management of fish stocks;
    • developing dialogue and cooperation in the energy sector;
    • developing cooperation in the area of water resource management;
    • modernising and restructuring agriculture.
    Tümünü Göster
  17. 17.