+1 -1özet geçiyorum beyler;
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her söylediğin şeye cevabım var ama usandım artık tartışmaktan
hala ateistim hiçbir etkisi olmadı -
+1@1 okudum. irdeledim, beyin süzgecimden geçirdim. gerçekten senin beynini gibeyim ben
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0Kardesim iyi guzel yasmissin da ben allahi bir enerji, buyuk bir ana frekans olarak goruyorum. Seytanmis cinmis gibim degil. Ve inan musluman olmak istiyorum ama olmuyor inanamiyorum. Yardim edersen sevinirim.
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0(bkz:a-te-izm add into favoritesTümünü Göster
Türkçe - ingilizce çevirisi "ateizm"
1 atheism isim
2 belief that God does not exist
ingilizce - ingilizce çevirisi "ateizm"
3 atheism (Gr "godlessness") Denial of the existence of God An atheist accepts only the material and physical world or
what can be proven by reason
4 atheism system of thought based on the non-existence of God The belief that God does not exist, or that the evidence for His existence is inadequate
5 atheism The belief that there is no god
6 atheism Atheism is from the Greek [a] a negation of the word following, and [theos] meaning God i e , No God, or the belief that there is no God [back]
7 atheism either 1 Belief that there are no gods, known as Strong or Positive Atheism, or 2 Lack of belief in any gods, known as Weak or Negative Atheism While accurate statistics are impossible to get, it is likely that Negative Atheism is the
majority; it is the natural state of human belief See also Agnosticism, Theism
8 atheism According to most Atheists: having no belief about a deity
9 atheism (Gk a - no, theos - God) Literally: "no-God-ism " The view that no God or gods exist The position that denies or rejects the existence God
10 atheism n a) a disbelief in the existence of deity b) the doctrine that there is no deity
11 atheism Click to check definition believing that God does not exist
12 atheism outright denial of the existence of God, is a position that many claim to hold If you are an atheist, you believe that man is alone and life is meaningless This is the Soviet cosmonaut's view of the universe ("I can't see God, so He must not exist ") It is contradicted by evidence in nature, the conscience, and the spiritual makeup of the individual, as well as by biblical teaching At heart, it is a rejection of the self-revelation of the personal God of the Bible, who has on innumerable occasions communicated with human beings for their benefit Many people are practical atheists because they have not bothered to inquire about the existence and character of God
13 atheism the lack of belief in a god and/or the belief that there is no god
14 atheism a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods
15 atheism the doctrine or belief that there is no God
16 atheism Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Compare agnosticism. agnosticism (agnostic). Critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or divine beings. Unlike agnosticism, which leaves open the question of whether there is a God, atheism is a positive denial. It is rooted in an array of philosophical systems. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus and Epicurus argued for it in the context of materialism. In the 18th century David Hume and Immanuel Kant, though not atheists, argued against traditional proofs for God's existence, making belief a matter of faith alone. Atheists such as Ludwig Feuerbach held that God was a projection of human ideals and that recognizing this fiction made self-realization possible. Marxism exemplified modern materialism. Beginning with Friedrich Nietzsche, existentialist atheism proclaimed the death of God and the human freedom to determine value and meaning. Logical positivism holds that propositions concerning the existence or nonexistence of God are nonsensical or meaningless
17 atheism The lack of belief in a god and/or the belief that there is no god The position held by a person or persons that 'lack belief' in god(s) and/or deny that god(s) exist
18 atheism Genus: Position on the existence of God Differentia: The non-belief in God
19 atheism The absence of belief in a god The prefix "a" means "without" The term "theo" (or thei) means "god" So, a-theism literally means "without god-ism" An atheist does not necessarily say that he "knows" there is no god An atheist simply does not hold a belief in a god, for whatever reason
20 atheism Belief that god does not exist Recommended Reading: Antony Flew, Atheistic Humanism (Prometheus, 1993) {at Amazon com}; Atheism, ed by S T Joshi (Prometheus, 2000) {at Amazon com}; Michael Martin, Atheism: A Philosophical Justification (Temple, 1992) {at Amazon com}; and J J C Smart and J J Haldane, Atheism and Theism (Blackwell, 1996) {at Amazon com} Also see Theodore M Drange, OCP, BGHT, Fredrick Benz, ColE, Emma Goldman, ISM, noesis, and MacE
21 atheism An atheist is one who does not believe in the existence of God or gods Pretty simple, right?
22 atheism lack of belief that God or gods exist, disbelief in the existence of God or gods; godlessness isim
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Türkçe - Türkçe çevirisi "ateizm"
23 Tanrıtanımazlık) -
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