1. 17.
    Yeni Mail geldi.

    My Dear,

    Thanks for your kind reply. As regards to my proposition, be rest assured that there will be no problem. This transaction is 100% legal and risk free. All you need to do is to comply with my instructions so that you will not make any mistake. The sharing ratio of this money will be 40 percent of the total sum for you and 60 percent for me. Any expenses done before the conclusion of this transaction will be deducted from the fund before the sharing of the money.


    1. NAME : Dr Raha Ousman
    2. AGE : 55 Years
    3. MARITAL STATUS : Married with two children
    4. OCCUPATION : Banker
    5. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE : 25 Years
    6 STATE OF ORIGN : Bobo Dioulaso
    7. COUNTRY: Burkina Faso
    8 Telephone number. 00226 77 32 69 16


    The deceased customer is a foreigner but he naturalized in Burkina Faso for years before he died in 2001. I was his account officer for many years before his death. He was a contractor and the major supplier of agricultural equipments in West Africa .

    Consequently, I have spent my time, made all the necessary enquires to find out if I can get his Next of Kin, who was also his personal assistant. Or any of his relative to come forward and claim his fund left behind in our branch for many years, but all efforts proved abortive. It was during this search that I found out that his Next of Kin died along with him in an auto crash along fada/ ngroma express road as they were travelling for a holiday, leaving no one to claim his fund left in our branch.

    The banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than 10 years, because the bank will transfer it to the bank's treasury as an abandoned or unclaimed fund. Truly, it was after this discovery, that I decided to contact you, so that I can use your name for the claim of this fund, consequence upon the fact that I do not want the fund to be transferred into our bank’s treasury as an abandoned or unclaimed fund, because it will be shared among the top shareholders and Chief Executive Officers of the bank.

    We Poor employees do not gain anything out of these confiscated funds. I got this opportunity and decided to contact you, for the mutual benefit of our both families.

    I will draft an application letter, which you will fill and apply as the deceased Next of kin/beneficiary. I will be here as your partner in the business to guide you on what to do until the bank transfers the money into your account. As I said earlier, this transaction is risk free, legal and has no negative implication. I have perfected everything to guarantee success, you should not be afraid of anything. Nevertheless, you must try to keep it secret, in order not to tarnish my image as a senior staff of this bank.

    Most Importantly, I will like you to assure me that you will not betray this trust and confidence that am about to repose on you. I have worked very hard in my life and I have always maintained high level of discipline and integrity. This is an opportunity, which I must strive relentlessly to accomplish. Besides, in a no distant time, I will be leaving for retirement.

    Finally, if you have studied my letter carefully and you wish to achieve this goal with me, kindly get back to me by sending the below information, which I will use to draft an application letter and send to you so that we can start the transaction.

    1) First name...

    2)Surname... ...

    3) Age... ...

    4)Occupation... ...

    5) Telephone number...

    6) Address………...

    7) Country...

    8) Private email address... ...

    Thanks for your understanding and waiting for your reply.


    Dr. Raha Ousman

    Telephone number. 00226 77 32 69, 16
    Tümünü Göster
  2. 16.
    boğaz koprusunude satmişlardir buna
  3. 15.
  4. 14.
    @12 ciim merak etme unuturmuyum hiç özel şirket kurucam incisözlük için tüm inci sözlük üyelerinide işe alıcam türkiyenin işsizlik sorunu çözülcek.
  5. 13.
    adam fetullahçı beyler
  6. 12.
    helal panpaaa, unutmazsın bizi inş.
  7. 11.
    @9 Sen yeterki iste afrikadaki kokonat fabrikamdan sana hindistan çevizli çikolata şelalesi makinesi getirtecem. Türkiyeye boru hattı çekecem ordan akcak hindistan cevizi çikolata.
  8. 10.
    @7 bastım eksiyi koru kendini

    Belediyeye rüşvet verip evini yıktıracam @7 IP adresinden evini tespit ettim. dötüncü pijjj
  9. 9.
    panpa bana bi yemek yolla başka bişiy istemiyom amk
  10. 8.
    @7 5.Nesiliz Diye hiçmi başlık açmıyalım amk
  11. 7.
    arama entry'ler x
    bebişinci nesil inci sozluk yazarı

    bugün: 2
    bu hafta: 33
    toplam entry: 49
    toplam başlık: 0
  12. 6.
    yalanına sokuyum
  13. 5.
    helal panpa güzel yatırım şimdi gelsin sana milyoncuklar . ah şanslı huur çocuğu seniii
  14. 4.
    sen taksimde yol kenarlarında dıbını zütünü gibtiren bursalı top değilimisin canım kardeşim
  15. 3.
    beyler koşun inci mal kaynıyo adamı fena dolandırmışlar
  16. 2.
    Özet geç bin
  17. 1.

    Bana mesaj yollayan doktor banker adamın borçları varmış.
    Banka parasına el koymuş parayı alabilmek için kısa sürede borcunu kapatması gerekiyomuş benden para istedi.Hemen bu adamla mesajlaştım ve ona 150 bin türk lirası gönderdim yakında bana resimdeki kadar para gelecek.

    Paraların resminide gönderdi

    Yakında çok zenginim 150 binlirayı ödeyebilmek için evimi ve evdeki tüm eşyaları sattım laptopumuda sattım.internet cafeden giriyorum elimde 2-3 liram kaldı son paralarım ama adam yarın parayı yolluyor.Çok zor oldu onun içinde borçlar faiz falan binmiş 2-3 kere falan para yolladım anca işte 150binlik borcu kapandı.

    Ama artık zenginim.