1. 1.
    +6 -1
    drop the weapon, son
  2. 2.
    +3 -1
    you shall give the wood, you shall give the wood
    edit: @11 kusura bakma panpa, ben bu yorumu yazarken senin yorumun yoktu. senin kopyan gibi olmuşum, dilersen yorumumu silebilirim.
  3. 3.
    take that take take take tey
  4. 4.
    the man was a real shit father riza
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
    ok aylin we are close there
  7. 7.
    ooooo i am looking, everybody's pleasures okay
  8. 8.
    the guy is a totally asshole riza father.
  9. 9.
    don't do anything crazy mesut.
  10. 10.
    o.k. we almost arrive the place
  11. 11.
    45 40 center
  12. 12.
    @13 edite hayvan gibi şuku
  13. 13.
    mesut: master ( önüne gelene usta diyo amk)
  14. 14.
    vışş sinan ağabeyi mafyalarmı gaçırmışş yok o bu değildi
  15. 15.
    ohaa lan kimse yazmamış

    this man was a completely badass motherfucker Rıza father
  16. 16.
    adamlar ingiliz çıktı rıza baba
  17. 17.
    but hüsnüüüüüüüüüüü
  18. 18.
    buy this buy this buy this
  19. 19.
    Tekin..!! what did you do again donkey's colt..!!
  20. 20.
    stop ! give oneself up