1. 1.
    türken rauss

    ahahah burda bile fasist saldiri. burda bile o eziklik ahahahah

    eziksiniz olm ahahah
  2. 2.
    gardaşş burası münihmii
  3. 3.
    (bkz: prens erkan serçe)
  4. 4.

    pkk ya karsi yürüyüs


    burasi kücük istanbul gibikler bize tak atmayin türkiye diye inletiyoruz almanyayi sizlerin bile belki bizler kadar türkiyeye faydasi dokunmamistir
  5. 5.
    gibtir git almanci ismail yk seni
  6. 6.
    @20 istemiyormuyuz? lan pis fakirler her yil 15 milyar euro kim döviz getiriyo
  7. 7.
    kreuzbergi gibiyim aminakodumun turkleri
    geldiniz mis gibi ulkemizi tak ettiniz
    siz gelmeden once zengindik lan hepimiz
  8. 8.
    @37 nerde eziyolar lan duisburgdaki camiiyi protesto etceklerdi 5 yil önce adamlari gibtik diktik minareyi

    kölnde büyük cami yapilcak sayisizca minareli camiilerimiz var nerde gibiyolar amcik


    al nazilerin zütüne girsin
  9. 9.
    @37 oturdugun yerden konuşma züt deliği nazici binlerin hırvatları arnavutları sırpları nasıl paket ettiğni tüm almanya bilir. türklerin anca evini yakabilir orspu çocukları karşıya karşıya yemez çünkü
  10. 10.
    lan pis asyalilar sizler gibi yok asker mis yok dexermis yok kürtmüs yok darbeymis öyle gibik konularla ugrasmiyoruz avrupada yasiyoruz kocum

    buarada dikkatini cekerim her gazetede en azindan 1 tane tecavüz haberi var akraba akrabaya tecavüz ediyor sizden utaniyorum amk
  11. 11.
    yetistim lan berlin den var mı baska
  12. 12.
    @34 ebenizi bile giber am hosafi... ne tak yiyecek mahallenizde amk... adamlar resmen eziyorlar türkleri her yerde... sen hala zütü taklu mahallenize güveniyorsun, resmen ghetto lan... kim napicak mahallende ipnetör
  13. 13.
    aynen almancilar gibtirip gitsinler bi sibel kekilli kalsin bide sahin aga gerisini gibtir et hafiz
  14. 14.
    @31 orspu dölü biz hala türk gibi güçlü lafını devam ettiriyoruz. en azılı nazi bini türk mahallesine giremez
  15. 15.
    nonda bu ayin 29 da nazilerin yürüyüsü var bundan 5 sene öncede yürüyüs yapmislardi ama döve döve gibmistik merak etme

    türklerin kalesi duisburg marxloh

  16. 16.
    @39 lan ipne asyali diyorsun ama sen rotterdamli degilsin bu biiirr... avrupada yasayip kendini bir tak saniyorsan sen avrupada yasamayi hak etmemissin bi ikiiiii... bende senin tabirinle avrupada yasiyorum ama senin gibi huur cocugu züt lalelerinden utaniyorum buda ücccc o tecavüz haberlerinde ananin amini gibiyorlar sen hala dexer pkk diye fantazi kurr bu döööört

    simdi sus ve yala
  17. 17.
    Every day I ask why
    You were picked to be Jesus Christ
    It could have been me
    It should have been me
    Up on the cross telling you all

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    There must have been some mistake
    I'm not the one who should be saved
    My divinity has been denied
    Mary and me were both fucked by God

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    You did this unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did this unto me
    Every day I ask why
    You were picked to be Jesus Christ
    It could have been me
    It should have been me
    Up on the cross telling you all

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    There must have been some mistake
    I'm not the one who should be saved
    My divinity has been denied
    Mary and me were both fucked by God

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    You did this unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did this unto me
    Every day I ask why
    You were picked to be Jesus Christ
    It could have been me
    It should have been me
    Up on the cross telling you all

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    There must have been some mistake
    I'm not the one who should be saved
    My divinity has been denied
    Mary and me were both fucked by God

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    You did this unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did this unto me
    Every day I ask why
    You were picked to be Jesus Christ
    It could have been me
    It should have been me
    Up on the cross telling you all

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    There must have been some mistake
    I'm not the one who should be saved
    My divinity has been denied
    Mary and me were both fucked by God

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    You did this unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did this unto me
    Every day I ask why
    You were picked to be Jesus Christ
    It could have been me
    It should have been me
    Up on the cross telling you all

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    There must have been some mistake
    I'm not the one who should be saved
    My divinity has been denied
    Mary and me were both fucked by God

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself
    Now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did it unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you
    You did this unto me
    And now I'm doin' it unto you

    You did this unto me
    Tümünü Göster
  18. 18.
    aq ne gibime almanyada türkiye diye bağırıyosunuz, gibtiring gidin saç şekillerinizi de alın ayrı bi devlet kurun amq meclis başkanı da ismail yk olsun, bu sözlüğü de bin ediceksiniz
  19. 19.

    türkiye maci öncesi,semtin en islek caddesi BOMBOS burasu "almanya"
  20. 20.
    hitler'i seviyo musunuz lan doğru söyleyin ss.