0herkes bunu mail atsın.
after voting closed, how can ok go's votes still rising up ? we can see it in here : http://www.fuse.tv/ajax/p ... poll_id=562&vote=2711
is there a cheat about poll. please explain this situation for us ? we are " inci sözlük " that is a biggest online platform in turkey who has 60.000 user. we have been voting for stone sour about last 24 hours and voted about 100.000 times min. this is unfair. we want ansver.
inci sözlük -
0herkes bunu mail atsın.
after voting closed, how can ok go's votes still rising up ? we can see it in here : http://www.fuse.tv/ajax/p ... poll_id=562&vote=2711
is there a cheat about poll. please explain this situation for us ? we are " inci sözlük " that is a biggest online platform in turkey who has 60.000 user. we have been voting for stone sour about last 24 hours and voted about 100.000 times min. this is unfair. we want answer.
inci sözlük -
0amk düzeltiyorum. sinirden ne yazdığımı biliyom mu bin
0herkes bunu mail atsın.
after voting closed, how can ok go's votes still rising up ? we can see it in here : http://www.fuse.tv/ajax/p...poll_id=562&vote=2711
is there a cheat about poll. please explain this situation for us ? we are " inci sözlük " that is a biggest online platform in turkey who has 60.000 user. we have been voting for stone sour about last 24 hours and voted about 100.000 times min. this is unfair. we want answer.
inci sözlük
en az 100 mail gitse adamlar noluyoz lan derler. bi bakalım ne cevap gelcek huur çocuklarından. -
0herkes bunu mail atsın.
after voting closed, how can ok go's votes still rising up ? we can see it in here : http://www.fuse.tv/ajax/p...poll_id=562&vote=2711
is there a cheat about poll. please explain this situation for us ? we are " inci sözlük " that is a biggest online platform in turkey who has 60.000 user. we have been voting for stone sour about last 24 hours and voted about 100.000 times min. this is unfair. we want answer.
inci sözlük
en az 100 mail gitse adamlar noluyoz lan derler. bi bakalım ne cevap gelcek huur çocuklarından. -
0panpa daha nası yazıcaz amk. adamlar oylama sayfası kapandı nerden biliyosun oyların arttığını demiycek mi ?
0herkes bunu mail atsın.
after voting closed, how can ok go's votes still rising up ? we can see it in here : http://www.fuse.tv/ajax/p...poll_id=562&vote=2711
is there a cheat about poll. please explain this situation for us ? we are " inci sözlük " that is a biggest online platform in turkey who has 60.000 user. we have been voting for stone sour about last 24 hours and voted about 100.000 times min. this is unfair. we want answer.
inci sözlük
en az 100 mail gitse adamlar noluyoz lan derler. bi bakalım ne cevap gelcek huur çocuklarından. -
0can sağlığı. iyi denemeydi. olmadı. bilsem şike şaibe olcağını boşuna açmazdım başlığı. herkesten özür dilerim. huur çocuğu fuse diyor ve konuyu kapıyorum.
0zamanında ne başlıktı amk. direkten dönmüştük.
izmirin dağlarında kürtçülük açar
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sevilmeye ihtiyacı olan
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