1. 1.
    38.1. Answer: Wisdom (Erdemlilik-Bilgelik)

    38.2. As I mentioned before in some groups, I am not a politician or something like that.

    38.3. I am just a potong saram (sıradan insân, ordinary person) who thinks the real inwardness (영성, mâneviyât) is not about just religion.
    38.4. The source of inwardness, morality and love must be "family", "root", "belonging (국가가 속한, millî âidiyet)"
    38.5. We can earn a lot of money, can be rich.
    38.6. But what is the meaning of life without family, past times, common values and memories...
    38.7. I think, we must first be united "not" by politics, but we must be unified by national consciousness (국가 의식, millî şuûr) and love.
    38.8. Then we can escape from being a machine of Capitalism and live as human.
    38.9. But with the power of 국가 의식 (millî şuûr) we can earn enough money to dominate world with our own rules.

    38.10. The real wisdom way, is the way of constructing a real family.