1. 1.
    panpa bence bu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sEI1AUFJKw
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  4. 4.
    @6 süpersin hahahaha *
  5. 5.
    @6 o ne lan puhahahah şükü
  6. 6.
    adam yapmış
  7. 7.
    the video you have requested is not available.

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    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.
    Tümünü Göster
  8. 8.
    @1 verdiğin linki gibeyim amk gibtir git burdan bin
  9. 9.
    the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.

    the'dan sonrasını okumadım ve sırf sana küfür etmek için giriş yaptım

    şuan çok sinirliyim huur çocuğu küfürler kifayetsiz kalıyor o derece.

    hepsi senin yüzünden tüm bu yaşadıklarımın hepsi se nin yü zün den !

    şimdi gibtir git!
  10. 10.
  11. 11.
    beyler bağımlılık yapıyor amk.