1. 51.
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: m/f?
    You: inci giber
    You: f
    You: m
    Stranger: ?
    You: shemale
    Stranger: f/m?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  2. 52.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: how do you do?
    You: 31 çekiyorum
    You: sen nörüyon yarram
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  3. 53.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: naber kanka
    You: yannan lazımmı
    You: bende fazla var vereyim birini
    You: cevap ver at yarağı
    You: inci adamın amında delik açar
    Stranger: i knw english only
    You: stfu asshole
    You have disconnected.
  4. 54.
    eğer karşınıza incinmek ister misin diye soran birisi çıkarsa bilin ki o benim
  5. 55.
    muallaknin biri sadece inci giber yazdı çıktı. böyle yapmayın olm, konuşun azcık.
  6. 56.
    Stranger: hey
    You: hi
    Stranger: where are you from?
    You: incistan
    You: you?
    Stranger: where is that?
    You: some where over the rainbow
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  7. 57.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Good morning!
    Stranger: m 24 india
    You: hmm
    You: f 22 london
    Stranger: coool
    You: lets talk
    Stranger: ok
    You: It is too noisy
    You: one minute
    Stranger: ok
    You: I am cool a.q!
    You: What is happening yarraaam?
    Stranger: nothing as such
    You: shut the fuck up
    Stranger: wht fucking u talk
    You: sorry
    You: sorry
    Stranger: okkk
    Stranger: how is whether your side?
    You: It makes no matter
    You: do you know inci?
    Stranger: inci?
    Stranger: i don't understand
    You: I will stick my dick in your ass, and let it go out through your nose!
    Stranger: ?
    You: ögren o zaman
    You: züt adam
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  8. 58.
    you: hey
    stranger: hey
    stranger: f/m?
    you: both hermofrodit
    stranger: tovbe estafurullah
    your conversational partner has disconnected.
  9. 59.
    Stranger: oh yeah !
    Stranger: begin bagon si min begin incim se mu inci eder !
    Stranger: made I any sense ?
    You: neler diyosun incim kulaklarıma inanamıyorum
    You: incim ben çıkmak zorundayım bebeğim
    You: yine bulurum seni omegleden
    You: zor oluyo incim ama napalım sen her şeye değersin
    Stranger: are you talking dirty to me?
    You: lastly could you say "inci sözlük gibsin beni"?
    You: ?
    Stranger: if you tell me witch language it is i will tell you ten times !
    You: it is some kind of arabic. belive that you can not find a proper dictionary on internet
    Stranger: okei
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: inci sözlük gibsin beni
    Stranger: there you go !
    You: thank you buddy
    Stranger: what did i just tell you ?
    You: actually it is in turkish
    You: "inci sözlük(kind a website) fucks me"
    Stranger: okey, i thought it would be funnier !
  10. 60.
    alın lan binoskiler övdüm sizi dıbınıza koyim.

    stranger: hello
    you: herro merro
    stranger: do you speak english?
    you: it means you can have a two choice
    you: one is
    you: you can do a job with loving it or you can do a job with fucking you.
    stranger: can i do both?
    you: second is in one.
    you: yes you can but how?
    you: teach me i dont know how to do it
    stranger: well can you love being fucked?
    you: no i like fucking pussy
    stranger: but i love my pussy being fucked
    you: oo nice.
    you: do you want to come my portal it is called inci.
    you: they are looking for pussy
    stranger: never heard of it
    you: hmm where you from
    stranger: canada
    stranger: what is inci?
    you: inci. sozlukspot.com
    stranger: that isn't english
    you: users share their ideas. they are talented users.
    stranger: i don't understand anything on that site
    stranger: i can't read it
    you: you can reach benefical informations what you are curioused.
    you: yes because it isnt english
    your conversational partner has disconnected.

    ama karıyı kaçırdık o ayrı ağzınıza veriyim sizin.
  11. 61.
    eeeh giberim lan kimse yok aq. sarmıyo.
  12. 62.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: asl
    Stranger: 15 m US
    Stranger: you?
    You: 18 m republic of yannan
    Stranger: whoa where is that?
    You: in ananın amı
    Stranger: hahah im bad with geography.
  13. 63.
    You: hi!
    Stranger: 会说汉语不

    Bu ne amk sonrada çıktı zaten muallak, te allam!
  14. 64.
    dunyanin en salak saldirisini duzenlemissiniz. tebrikler.
    geri zekali misiniz nesini, omegle'a saldirilir mi be
  15. 65.
    you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
    you: inci
    stranger: heyy
    stranger: huh?
    you: siggit
    you have disconnected.
  16. 66.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: 19 f greece
    Stranger: you?
    You: 20 m istanbul
    Stranger: neighbour
    You: what are you doingg yarraam ?
    Stranger: düzgün konus lan yannan
    You: inci?
    Stranger: yok ben tolga

    yarıldım a.q :D
  17. 67.
    you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
    you: inci
    stranger: ne incisi bea
    stranger: offf
    you: koyyum amina ozmn
    you: yannan
    you: isin ne burda
    stranger: hasgibtir muallak
    you: gibtir lan pust sicmigi
    stranger: gibtir lan
    stranger: bin
    you: yoksa liseli ergen misin lan pizarro yarragi yemis
    your conversational partner has disconnected.
  18. 68.
    @63 normandiya çıkarması mı bekliyodun yarraam
  19. 69.
    you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
    stranger: mitäs kuuluu?
    you: do you sex?
    stranger: no
    you: nie lan inci mi kaçtı zütüne?
    your conversational partner has disconnected.
  20. 70.
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: where are u from
    You: where are u from
    Stranger: from where?
    You: where are u from
    Stranger: i am Turk
    Stranger: u?
    You: bad hat
    Stranger: why?
    You: you get a bad hat
    Stranger: ewywhere is camel also
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: ehere are you from?
    You: the string at
    You: pimp
    You: bastard
    Stranger: fuck off son of the bitch
    You: pussy
    Stranger: why are u making this
    Stranger: we didnt fuck your gradparents
    You: What a bad hat to you guys
    Stranger: just killed some of them
    Stranger: but they came here to invade
    You: fuck do much less talk