+2 -96
+28 -1şimdi 666 a gerek yok..
gecelik için 400 tl veririm.. -
+1sana şuku vereceğim aklıma gelmezdi
+9olm bu yağ tulumuna 400 kağıt mı sayıcaksın dıbına koyim?
+2100 liraya beni gib daha iyi aq
diğerleri 1 -
+10kusura bakma ama senin gibi şişko bi huur için 5 dakikamı bile harcamam
+1 -1tam yazcaktım panpa helal
+4BBW beyler riskli.
+3huurlar bile yenilik arayışı içinde.
Vay amk. -
-3ya imgim neden açılmıyor .s
+1şans işleri tutmaz be ücreti neyse verelim
+1dance with the devil liseliler bilmez 666
+1666 altıyüzaltmışaltı
+1This show is from Turkey which means “will you marry with me and Esra Erol.” Main purpose of this show is match the single people who applies to Esra Erol. People come to studio, give their informations and wait for a call from who wants him/her in the live broadcast. If someone likes the applicant, he/she can call the programme and say I want to meet him/her.
Esra Erol is a presenter but actually she known as a matchmaker. She became famous with this show which has been continuing for 6 years. After all this time, elder people loves her so much.
Always strange things happen in this show because of the applicants who have low education level. If they do not uneducated, they do not want to get marry in a TV show already. Sometimes they try dancing or singing to effect each other. It seems very shameful and akward.
If you do not watch this reality show, you should to see it! That is a crazy thing. -
+1This show is from Turkey which means “will you marry with me and Esra Erol.” Main purpose of this show is match the single people who applies to Esra Erol. People come to studio, give their informations and wait for a call from who wants him/her in the live broadcast. If someone likes the applicant, he/she can call the programme and say I want to meet him/her.
Esra Erol is a presenter but actually she known as a matchmaker. She became famous with this show which has been continuing for 6 years. After all this time, elder people loves her so much.
Always strange things happen in this show because of the applicants who have low education level. If they do not uneducated, they do not want to get marry in a TV show already. Sometimes they try dancing or singing to effect each other. It seems very shameful and akward.
If you do not watch this reality show, you should to see it! That is a crazy thing. -
+1dıbına koduğumun kızına bak sanki aynı şehirdeyizde birde yemeğe çıkacakmışız elinde sonunda konu züte memeye gelecek niye zorluyorsun
+1This show is from Turkey which means “will you marry with me and Esra Erol.” Main purpose of this show is match the single people who applies to Esra Erol. People come to studio, give their informations and wait for a call from who wants him/her in the live broadcast. If someone likes the applicant, he/she can call the programme and say I want to meet him/her.
Esra Erol is a presenter but actually she known as a matchmaker. She became famous with this show which has been continuing for 6 years. After all this time, elder people loves her so much.
Always strange things happen in this show because of the applicants who have low education level. If they do not uneducated, they do not want to get marry in a TV show already. Sometimes they try dancing or singing to effect each other. It seems very shameful and akward.
If you do not watch this reality show, you should to see it! That is a crazy thing. -
-1sadece 1. nesil yazarların katılabilmesiyle gerçekleşmesi gereken çekiliştir
+1that lies over there
-1Buraların en yakışıklı erkeği benim. param arabam ve kız arkadaşımda var fakat bir kaçamak yaşayabilriz.
+1sakin olun arkadaşlar. kendisi bi kızı soyup caps almış. bana inanın.
+1ya yemeği gibtiret verecek misin? vermezsen zorla giberiz dimi gençler
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