0Lag war beyler !
0saldırııınnn saldırı devam edio gibiooz
0ban yedim
0olum atılınca nası geri giriyoz lan
0ban yiyince nasıl tekrar yazıyoz beyler,onu da anlatın a.q
0uefaya mail;
To those who may concern
I am sure you are aware of the match fixing scandal that is currently surrounding the headlines in Turkey. As you know the Turkish Police Force has gathered some crucial evidence against Fenerbahce, the allegations are that Fenerbahce fixed 5 matches in the road to their championship, and according to the media the evidence gathered in the case is very strong. 200 taped phone calls, and 7 video footages are in custody of the Turkish Police. I as a Trabozspor/Beşiktaş/Galatasaray(ya da hangi takımlıysanız onu yazın) Supporter urge UEFA to send a delegate to examine the evidence, the Turkish Football Federation will give the decision regarding Fenerbahce’s championship before 15th of July.
The reason I’m asking UEFA to send a delegate is because I’m very concerned about the Turkish Football Federation, the current Football Federation president is Mr M.Ali Aydınlar. He was in the Fenerbahce board of directiors while the “so called” match fixing was taking place. Now he will give the crucial decision regarding Fenerbahce’s faith. I dont think anyone believes that the Turkish Football Federation can give an objective decision.
According to the disciplinary code, the punishment of match fixing is relegation to a lower league. This is very clearly stated in the disciplinary code. If the UEFA sends a delegate, and oversees the investigation, I think it will be in the best interest of the Turkish Football.
Might I add, there is also a huge conflict of interest, the head of TFF is also the owner of the Acibadem Hospital, which is a sponsor of Fenerbahce, most of the Turkish Football pundits have underlined this as well, no one trully believes, Mr. Ali Aydınlar can remain neutral in this situation.
Best Regards
info@uefa.com adresine atıyoruz binler.
http://inci.sozlukspot.co...3%A7ler-destekkkkkkkkkkk/ -
0modeme reset anca beyler
0daha yazmadan ban yedim :(
0cıldırtana kadar devaaaaaaam
0@27 panpa modem uzak amk başka yol yok mu
0moderatör oldum ahahah sehadet_asıgı
0hiç değilse cevap verp banlasaydı yavşaklar hiç cevp vermdn banladılar okadar boşa küfür ettm panpalar ya:(
0puhahah nereden buldun bin burayı harika...
0up up up up
0beyler küfür etmior adamlar en fazla gidin diolar banlanan ların ki nasıl açılcak modem işe yaramıo
0adam otomatiğe aldı amk
0beyler moderatörüm
0beyler gşren bırı nıckını yazsın buraya duzgunce konussun bellı etmeden en son yapsın
0up up up up up
0hahahaha çok komik lan
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