(bkz: panpa bende hiç para kalmamış siz çıkın alın ekmeği) -
0hergün et yenirmi arkadas bugün makarna yiyelim
0@13 al şukunu panpa
0bu akşam makarnayı ne li yapsak la.
hepte salçalı yapılır genelde amk. -
0diploma notu 2.59 mezun
0sigaram bitmiş
0yaz okulunu gibim
0devlete 13 milyar borçla mezun olunurmu amk
0daha bunun finali var yaz okulu var geçeriz kanka
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0ikinci öğretimim yılda 1600tl madeni olarak düşünürsek tek tek, kağıt olarak düşünürsek rulo olarak toptan zütüme giriyor
0@5 rajon keserek gibmiş
- 13.
0yapma be calculus
0alt tarafı burs vercekler amk işin yoksa transkript faksla
- 16.
0possible selves across the life span
contributed by dr. hazel markus and susan cross
do you ever hope that you will become successful in your chosen career? do you ever fear that you will lose a loved-one? what effects do these hopes and fears about the future have on our current personality and the decisions we make? possible selves, which includes these hopes and fears, are a fascinating area of self-knowledge. they consist of what people think they will become, what people want to become, and what people fear they will become. it has been found that possible selves have a profound effect on how we act, in that we try to become like the positive possible selves, and to avoid becoming like the negative possible selves.
this project asked participants to fill out various measures, including a possible selves questionnaire, a self-esteem questionnaire, and a life satisfaction questionnaire, in an attempt to study possible selves. because the participants varied in age across the life span, it was hoped that this project would reveal differences among the various stages of life in the types of possible selves that participants listed. -
0@5 çok iyi vermişsin panpa başarılarının devdıbını dilerim
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0akdenizli olan bilir
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