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    codex primach
    intro to sarozer the book of slaanesh
    what is life’s purpose?is the queastion for all smart life forms to themselfs. some of them thing it is nothingness, some think trying to be always better some think loving things around you the way they are.but some thing otherwise like life is main purpose to enjoy itsellf and yourself. become the perfect not for the others just for yourself, living for pleasure for example, pleasure is the highesst form of enjoy. slaanesh is the lonelynest chaos god but does he/she/it hates being alone?no of course not, slaanesh is pleasure himself it can take pleasure from everything around it from pain, from love, from itself, from perfection and many more. pain is not the opposite of pleasure in the book of slaanesh it is just another differnt type of unidentified pleasure. sarozer the book of slaanesh’s main purpose is the give people life’s true purpose the pleasure!
    codex part two
    pleasure is the main component of sarozer.if life is a tastless soup pleasure is the salt that you must add on.pleasure can be taken from different things pleasure of being nice, pleasure of feeling perfect, plesure of feeling comfortable, pleasure of helping other people, pleasure of making others life hell but this not likely the way of slaanesh the most important part of pleasure is to make love!
    best pleasure come from sex,it could be with someone else or just yourself. slaanesh rituals dont need any special words or other piece of different black magic items like pure iron or blood sacrifeses. slaanesh rituals can be made by self peace with yourself.you must like yourself,you must enjoy yourself,you must feed your soul with pleasure.try making six times sex with yourself(not eveyday once a month perhaps)if you take pleasure from all of them you will make perfect slaanesh ritiuals. happyness that you feel after day is the gift of slaanesh.
    as i said pleasure can come from sex with yourself or someone else. finding the perfect person is the most important part of this,it cant be just a random person that you make pleasure with.you must stalk it,you must observe it,you must ask yourself is she/he/it(dont try making it with dogs slaanesh hates dogs)the right one?.when you are sure about the right one trust your perfection, trust pleasure, trust slaanesh, trust yourself! this will make your self confidence grow if you don’t trust yourself enough slaanesh’s daomenettes will come and eat your sexual organs or you will be just rejected.if she/he/it accept your perfection it is the time taste and feel life is true purpose the pleasure! while you are doing what you must be doing,you must not force yourself to have pleasure, pleasure must come to you without any extra help(no viagra or lenght pills) congrulations you just made your first slaanesh ritiual!

    in case of failure(become rejected)slaanesh is not like khorne or tzeentch, slaanesh will not punish you by cutting your skull and putting in his throne or plan you to fail. slaanesh wants you to learn from your mistakes and become perfect! when you fail ask yourself:did my sound was not perfect enough?did my look was not good enough? find your mistakes.if you did’nt find any mistakes the person that you choose is wrong.she/he/it must be a bich or a slave of the false emporer. dont just stop and cry or feel bad become mad become angry(not like khorne berseeker)show your fury to universe by try being more perfect.

    the first ritual
    as you creep into her/his/that thing’s bed you must stop for second and ask to yourself what would slaanesh do while he/she/it is getting laid? what position should i be doing?is it legs in the air?is it 69? is it missioneire position? it doesnt matter where you enter or where it enters, how you enter or it enters it must give pleasure or it won’t have any meaning.

    the other parts of pleasure
    helping others or just being nice can also give you pleasure it wont be like sex without doing these things you will have less pleasure in your life and slaanesh wants you to have pleasure as much as possible!if you are bad person try helping other people did you take any pleasure?if the answer is yes dont stop yourself from helping those people and when you want to punch a nerd guy and enjoy beating someone dont change your character be a bad ass and puch them but still behave good sometimes as long as you take pleasure it doesnt matter(dont be pyro maniac serial killer or rappist that is too much and makes you worship khorne without wanting it). if you are good person who is honest, trusttable try sometimes stealing random people’s stuff and make them search for it or put evacuant drug(which makes people realy bad gonoria) on your friends beers. while they are crawling with stomach ache and shitting on floor ask yourself this question?did i enjoy being a jackass and take pleasure from it?if the answer is no dont do it again you dump fuck!you just lost all of your friends being alone will make you feel uncomfortable and make you take less pleasure from your life.
    pleasure can be taken from also eating good food.do you know what slaanesh means in eldar language the one who thirsts or hungers!it doesnt just mean that slaanesh is just horny it also means slaanesh is hungry in real meaning and he/she/it likes good food! that is right slaanesh loves good food.try eating new food cuisenes like japanese or taiwan or russian with vodka on it.do you know how many vodka shots can russian men can handle?no one knows because people who ask that question are always drunk and lost their conscious and wake up near a abandon ex soviet tank squadron next day and become beated prety bad for ruining public property they dont remember what did they drink but they generally know what did they eat! that is right good food with good taste gives good pleasure and pleasure is generally unfortgetable! that why you must eat good food next time time your wife brings a sandwich which taste like a tyranids ass which is having a gonoria throw that sandwich to your wifes head and say(if she is still conscious after that crash) get back to kitchen women and make me a better sandwich!try saying this in a polite way because if she lefts house and moves back to her mothers house you wont be able have sex with someone else anymore
    the other parts of pleasure is generally about trying new things about changing your soul and your life but before making the decision you must decide what will cost and how much will your life change. this is important because if you made a bad desicion you have less pleasure than your old life .
    codex part 2
    the pain
    pain is the another way of pleasure,it is a emotion that which controls us,which stop us,which made us feel human. without feeling pain we would kill ourselfselves without feeling it.pain and pleasure are the main things that made us human, witout knowing the pain you cant know what real pleasure is.pain is always told us as a bad thing since we are raised,but the truth is pain make us strong, pain is the power of resist.in the sarozer pain is divided into two components:the pain inside and the pain at the outside.
    the pain inside
    pain can be seen in different ways ,for slaanesh it is the keeper of mindfullness. pain is the way of pleasure.for slaanesh pain can come from two ways: pain that come from having too much pleasure which is given by slaanesh to mortals who try to enter his/her palace ,or the pain that comes naturaly. without pain pleasure woulnt be valuable so to taste the ultimate pleasure person should taste the pain. sometimes love can cause pain,it is like fire that burns inside and can destroy worshipers mind so it is not advised to taste it.that is the only thing that can stop you on your road to ultimate pleasure. enjoying pain is one of the most important requirement for your journey to pleasure.not like masochist who enjoys pain, enjoying the pain because it helps you understand how good pleasuere is
  • 0
    eve kız geliyo napıym sizce
    codex primach
    intro to sarozer the book of slaanesh
    what is life’s purpose?is the queastion for all smart life forms to themselfs. some of them thing it is nothingness, some think trying to be always better some think loving things around you the way they are.but some thing otherwise like life is main purpose to enjoy itsellf and yourself. become the perfect not for the others just for yourself, living for pleasure for example, pleasure is the highesst form of enjoy. slaanesh is the lonelynest chaos god but does he/she/it hates being alone?no of course not, slaanesh is pleasure himself it can take pleasure from everything around it from pain, from love, from itself, from perfection and many more. pain is not the opposite of pleasure in the book of slaanesh it is just another differnt type of unidentified pleasure. sarozer the book of slaanesh’s main purpose is the give people life’s true purpose the pleasure!
    codex part two
    pleasure is the main component of sarozer.if life is a tastless soup pleasure is the salt that you must add on.pleasure can be taken from different things pleasure of being nice, pleasure of feeling perfect, plesure of feeling comfortable, pleasure of helping other people, pleasure of making others life hell but this not likely the way of slaanesh the most important part of pleasure is to make love!
    best pleasure come from sex,it could be with someone else or just yourself. slaanesh rituals dont need any special words or other piece of different black magic items like pure iron or blood sacrifeses. slaanesh rituals can be made by self peace with yourself.you must like yourself,you must enjoy yourself,you must feed your soul with pleasure.try making six times sex with yourself(not eveyday once a month perhaps)if you take pleasure from all of them you will make perfect slaanesh ritiuals. happyness that you feel after day is the gift of slaanesh.
    as i said pleasure can come from sex with yourself or someone else. finding the perfect person is the most important part of this,it cant be just a random person that you make pleasure with.you must stalk it,you must observe it,you must ask yourself is she/he/it(dont try making it with dogs slaanesh hates dogs)the right one?.when you are sure about the right one trust your perfection, trust pleasure, trust slaanesh, trust yourself! this will make your self confidence grow if you don’t trust yourself enough slaanesh’s daomenettes will come and eat your sexual organs or you will be just rejected.if she/he/it accept your perfection it is the time taste and feel life is true purpose the pleasure! while you are doing what you must be doing,you must not force yourself to have pleasure, pleasure must come to you without any extra help(no viagra or lenght pills) congrulations you just made your first slaanesh ritiual!

    in case of failure(become rejected)slaanesh is not like khorne or tzeentch, slaanesh will not punish you by cutting your skull and putting in his throne or plan you to fail. slaanesh wants you to learn from your mistakes and become perfect! when you fail ask yourself:did my sound was not perfect enough?did my look was not good enough? find your mistakes.if you did’nt find any mistakes the person that you choose is wrong.she/he/it must be a bich or a slave of the false emporer. dont just stop and cry or feel bad become mad become angry(not like khorne berseeker)show your fury to universe by try being more perfect.

    the first ritual
    as you creep into her/his/that thing’s bed you must stop for second and ask to yourself what would slaanesh do while he/she/it is getting laid? what position should i be doing?is it legs in the air?is it 69? is it missioneire position? it doesnt matter where you enter or where it enters, how you enter or it enters it must give pleasure or it won’t have any meaning.

    the other parts of pleasure
    helping others or just being nice can also give you pleasure it wont be like sex without doing these things you will have less pleasure in your life and slaanesh wants you to have pleasure as much as possible!if you are bad person try helping other people did you take any pleasure?if the answer is yes dont stop yourself from helping those people and when you want to punch a nerd guy and enjoy beating someone dont change your character be a bad ass and puch them but still behave good sometimes as long as you take pleasure it doesnt matter(dont be pyro maniac serial killer or rappist that is too much and makes you worship khorne without wanting it). if you are good person who is honest, trusttable try sometimes stealing random people’s stuff and make them search for it or put evacuant drug(which makes people realy bad gonoria) on your friends beers. while they are crawling with stomach ache and shitting on floor ask yourself this question?did i enjoy being a jackass and take pleasure from it?if the answer is no dont do it again you dump fuck!you just lost all of your friends being alone will make you feel uncomfortable and make you take less pleasure from your life.
    pleasure can be taken from also eating good food.do you know what slaanesh means in eldar language the one who thirsts or hungers!it doesnt just mean that slaanesh is just horny it also means slaanesh is hungry in real meaning and he/she/it likes good food! that is right slaanesh loves good food.try eating new food cuisenes like japanese or taiwan or russian with vodka on it.do you know how many vodka shots can russian men can handle?no one knows because people who ask that question are always drunk and lost their conscious and wake up near a abandon ex soviet tank squadron next day and become beated prety bad for ruining public property they dont remember what did they drink but they generally know what did they eat! that is right good food with good taste gives good pleasure and pleasure is generally unfortgetable! that why you must eat good food next time time your wife brings a sandwich which taste like a tyranids ass which is having a gonoria throw that sandwich to your wifes head and say(if she is still conscious after that crash) get back to kitchen women and make me a better sandwich!try saying this in a polite way because if she lefts house and moves back to her mothers house you wont be able have sex with someone else anymore
    the other parts of pleasure is generally about trying new things about changing your soul and your life but before making the decision you must decide what will cost and how much will your life change. this is important because if you made a bad desicion you have less pleasure than your old life .
    codex part 2
    the pain
    pain is the another way of pleasure,it is a emotion that which controls us,which stop us,which made us feel human. without feeling pain we would kill ourselfselves without feeling it.pain and pleasure are the main things that made us human, witout knowing the pain you cant know what real pleasure is.pain is always told us as a bad thing since we are raised,but the truth is pain make us strong, pain is the power of resist.in the sarozer pain is divided into two components:the pain inside and the pain at the outside.
    the pain inside
    pain can be seen in different ways ,for slaanesh it is the keeper of mindfullness. pain is the way of pleasure.for slaanesh pain can come from two ways: pain that come from having too much pleasure which is given by slaanesh to mortals who try to enter his/her palace ,or the pain that comes naturaly. without pain pleasure woulnt be valuable so to taste the ultimate pleasure person should taste the pain. sometimes love can cause pain,it is like fire that burns inside and can destroy worshipers mind so it is not advised to taste it.that is the only thing that can stop you on your road to ultimate pleasure. enjoying pain is one of the most important requirement for your journey to pleasure.not like masochist who enjoys pain, enjoying the pain because it helps you understand how good pleasuere is
  • 0
    yobaz din hocama verdiğim inanılmaz ayar
    codex primach
    intro to sarozer the book of slaanesh
    what is life’s purpose?is the queastion for all smart life forms to themselfs. some of them thing it is nothingness, some think trying to be always better some think loving things around you the way they are.but some thing otherwise like life is main purpose to enjoy itsellf and yourself. become the perfect not for the others just for yourself, living for pleasure for example, pleasure is the highesst form of enjoy. slaanesh is the lonelynest chaos god but does he/she/it hates being alone?no of course not, slaanesh is pleasure himself it can take pleasure from everything around it from pain, from love, from itself, from perfection and many more. pain is not the opposite of pleasure in the book of slaanesh it is just another differnt type of unidentified pleasure. sarozer the book of slaanesh’s main purpose is the give people life’s true purpose the pleasure!
    codex part two
    pleasure is the main component of sarozer.if life is a tastless soup pleasure is the salt that you must add on.pleasure can be taken from different things pleasure of being nice, pleasure of feeling perfect, plesure of feeling comfortable, pleasure of helping other people, pleasure of making others life hell but this not likely the way of slaanesh the most important part of pleasure is to make love!
    best pleasure come from sex,it could be with someone else or just yourself. slaanesh rituals dont need any special words or other piece of different black magic items like pure iron or blood sacrifeses. slaanesh rituals can be made by self peace with yourself.you must like yourself,you must enjoy yourself,you must feed your soul with pleasure.try making six times sex with yourself(not eveyday once a month perhaps)if you take pleasure from all of them you will make perfect slaanesh ritiuals. happyness that you feel after day is the gift of slaanesh.
    as i said pleasure can come from sex with yourself or someone else. finding the perfect person is the most important part of this,it cant be just a random person that you make pleasure with.you must stalk it,you must observe it,you must ask yourself is she/he/it(dont try making it with dogs slaanesh hates dogs)the right one?.when you are sure about the right one trust your perfection, trust pleasure, trust slaanesh, trust yourself! this will make your self confidence grow if you don’t trust yourself enough slaanesh’s daomenettes will come and eat your sexual organs or you will be just rejected.if she/he/it accept your perfection it is the time taste and feel life is true purpose the pleasure! while you are doing what you must be doing,you must not force yourself to have pleasure, pleasure must come to you without any extra help(no viagra or lenght pills) congrulations you just made your first slaanesh ritiual!

    in case of failure(become rejected)slaanesh is not like khorne or tzeentch, slaanesh will not punish you by cutting your skull and putting in his throne or plan you to fail. slaanesh wants you to learn from your mistakes and become perfect! when you fail ask yourself:did my sound was not perfect enough?did my look was not good enough? find your mistakes.if you did’nt find any mistakes the person that you choose is wrong.she/he/it must be a bich or a slave of the false emporer. dont just stop and cry or feel bad become mad become angry(not like khorne berseeker)show your fury to universe by try being more perfect.

    the first ritual
    as you creep into her/his/that thing’s bed you must stop for second and ask to yourself what would slaanesh do while he/she/it is getting laid? what position should i be doing?is it legs in the air?is it 69? is it missioneire position? it doesnt matter where you enter or where it enters, how you enter or it enters it must give pleasure or it won’t have any meaning.

    the other parts of pleasure
    helping others or just being nice can also give you pleasure it wont be like sex without doing these things you will have less pleasure in your life and slaanesh wants you to have pleasure as much as possible!if you are bad person try helping other people did you take any pleasure?if the answer is yes dont stop yourself from helping those people and when you want to punch a nerd guy and enjoy beating someone dont change your character be a bad ass and puch them but still behave good sometimes as long as you take pleasure it doesnt matter(dont be pyro maniac serial killer or rappist that is too much and makes you worship khorne without wanting it). if you are good person who is honest, trusttable try sometimes stealing random people’s stuff and make them search for it or put evacuant drug(which makes people realy bad gonoria) on your friends beers. while they are crawling with stomach ache and shitting on floor ask yourself this question?did i enjoy being a jackass and take pleasure from it?if the answer is no dont do it again you dump fuck!you just lost all of your friends being alone will make you feel uncomfortable and make you take less pleasure from your life.
    pleasure can be taken from also eating good food.do you know what slaanesh means in eldar language the one who thirsts or hungers!it doesnt just mean that slaanesh is just horny it also means slaanesh is hungry in real meaning and he/she/it likes good food! that is right slaanesh loves good food.try eating new food cuisenes like japanese or taiwan or russian with vodka on it.do you know how many vodka shots can russian men can handle?no one knows because people who ask that question are always drunk and lost their conscious and wake up near a abandon ex soviet tank squadron next day and become beated prety bad for ruining public property they dont remember what did they drink but they generally know what did they eat! that is right good food with good taste gives good pleasure and pleasure is generally unfortgetable! that why you must eat good food next time time your wife brings a sandwich which taste like a tyranids ass which is having a gonoria throw that sandwich to your wifes head and say(if she is still conscious after that crash) get back to kitchen women and make me a better sandwich!try saying this in a polite way because if she lefts house and moves back to her mothers house you wont be able have sex with someone else anymore
    the other parts of pleasure is generally about trying new things about changing your soul and your life but before making the decision you must decide what will cost and how much will your life change. this is important because if you made a bad desicion you have less pleasure than your old life .
    codex part 2
    the pain
    pain is the another way of pleasure,it is a emotion that which controls us,which stop us,which made us feel human. without feeling pain we would kill ourselfselves without feeling it.pain and pleasure are the main things that made us human, witout knowing the pain you cant know what real pleasure is.pain is always told us as a bad thing since we are raised,but the truth is pain make us strong, pain is the power of resist.in the sarozer pain is divided into two components:the pain inside and the pain at the outside.
    the pain inside
    pain can be seen in different ways ,for slaanesh it is the keeper of mindfullness. pain is the way of pleasure.for slaanesh pain can come from two ways: pain that come from having too much pleasure which is given by slaanesh to mortals who try to enter his/her palace ,or the pain that comes naturaly. without pain pleasure woulnt be valuable so to taste the ultimate pleasure person should taste the pain. sometimes love can cause pain,it is like fire that burns inside and can destroy worshipers mind so it is not advised to taste it.that is the only thing that can stop you on your road to ultimate pleasure. enjoying pain is one of the most important requirement for your journey to pleasure.not like masochist who enjoys pain, enjoying the pain because it helps you understand how good pleasuere is
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    am for the pleasure god virgin blood for the pleasure god!
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    We all got our desire for many things;we got desire to be happy,we got desire to have relationships,we got desire to fap six times a day,we got desire to marry with the perfect one,we got desire to get a good job,we go desire to have pleasure.It is our nature to desire things but have you ever asked yourself why I want everything so much?why I am searching for new desires?The answer is to get more pleasure from your life. Desire is the best way to reach the highest pleasure in your life. Desire can be both helpfull and harmfull to you.If you know how to control your desires it could help you gather more pleasure from the world around you.As I said desire can be both helpfull and harmfull to you,If you know how to control it,controling your desires doesnt mean you should oppose your emotions and senses,it means focusing your life’s primary goals on meaningfull assets. When I say asset dont just think money and other mundane things in your life(unless you are money loving phycopath)think about feelings like sex, like love, like happiness. Sometimes you become slave of your own desires. That’s natural thing,we all got our weaknesses.For examble you love someone too much but that person never love you back, that person rejects you, that person hates you, that person things you dont exit, then you become alcoholic and kill yourself.You just become the slave of your desire to love that person which ruined your life. Desire can be harmfull to you if you dont know hot to control it.So that we got to our next question:How can I control my own desires?The answer:Less desires more pleasure! Desires are just like kittens ,less kittens that you have it is more easy to control them. Think that your desires are pets,you should choose one and look after if you have too many pets you wont be able to look all of them and they will run away. Choose a simple desire and look at it at all cost until the end. Your reward will be the pleasure that you get from that desire!
    Desire And Love
    Life is full of mistakes, most of our mistakes come from our desires. Most desires in the world come from love,and love is cause of our worst mistakes. Even you know how to control your own desires love can hold you and stop you in your way to pleasure. Love is just like alcohol some people can have 9 shots of vodka and still be moving, some people fall asleep after 4 shots. Feeling of having love is good ,you see the world in a different way,you feel relaxed and positive but in the deep inside you know that it wont last forever and you know you are hurting yourself. Love can make you blind and deaf just like alcohol poisioning. Alcohol is not good for your body but you still drink vodka because you love the feeling of being drunk. Slaanesh doesnt want you to stop drinking vodka, slaanesh wants you to drink good things, have you ever heard about the italian saying:good wine can make you live longer.if you balance your emotions and control yourself you can drink 10 shots of vodka and still be dancing that doesnt mean that you w
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