ShockAndAweDBPC = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["Léo - Stormrage"] = "char",
["Jatha - Stormrage"] = "char",
["char"] = {
["Léo - Stormrage"] = {
["ShockLen"] = 5.8,
["yOffset"] = -207.5450697876963,
["FNPercent"] = 0.75,
["boomingEchoes"] = 0,
["ShearPercent"] = 0.75,
["SSlen"] = 8,
["immuneTargets"] = {
["Masanori-Ravencrest_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Phantasmal Air_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Shimako_Malady of the Mind"] = true,
["Icyfever-Spinebreaker_Windfury Attack"] = true,
["Storming Vortex_Lightning Bolt"] = true,
["Phantasmal Air_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Grounding Totem_Freeze"] = true,
["Kîra_Hex"] = true,
["Masanori-Ravencrest_Lava Lash"] = true,
["Léo_Maelstrom Weapon"] = true,
["Storfudge-Stormscale_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Kor'kron Sergeant_Hex"] = true,
["Storming Vortex_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Masanori-Ravencrest_Stormstrike"] = true,
["Spark of Ionar_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Darkfallen Advisor_Flame Shock"] = true,
["Phantasmal Fire_Flametongue Attack"] = true,
["Storming Vortex_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Ginselle Blightslinger_Purge"] = true,
["Darkfallen Noble_Stormstrike"] = true,
["Chimèra-Stormscale_Freeze"] = true,
["Vokodlok_Heroism"] = true,
["Sara_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Captain Brandon_Lightning Bolt"] = true,
["Antipersonnel Cannon_Freeze"] = true,
["Phantasmal Air_Lightning Bolt"] = true,
["Unbound Firestorm_Fire Nova"] = true,
["Pearroc_Hex"] = true,
["Argent Monk_Flametongue Attack"] = true,
["Argent Monk_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Léo_Flurry"] = true,
["Ironstealman-Shattered Hand_Freeze"] = true,
["Ahn'kahar Swarmer _Fire Nova"] = true,
["Unbound Firestorm_Lava Lash"] = true,
["Unbound Firestorm_Flametongue Attack"] = true,
["Wintergrasp Siege Engine_Heroism"] = true,
["Bhairava-Stormscale_Wind Shear"] = true,
["Frozen Insect_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Ginselle Blightslinger_Flametongue Attack"] = true,
["Smokescreen_Hex"] = true,
["Léo_Rage of the Fallen"] = true,
["Darkfallen Advisor_Lightning Shield"] = true,
["Icyfever-Spinebreaker_Earth Shock"] = true,
["Unbound Firestorm_Flame Shock"] = true,
["EarthShockPercent"] = 0.725,
["relativePoint"] = "LEFT",
["newsitem"] = 3,
["ShockPercent"] = 0.725,
["maxLen"] = 8,
["lavaLashTalented"] = true,
["EarthShockLen"] = 5.8,
["SSPercent"] = 1,
["barfont"] = "Morpheus",
["uptime"] = {
["point"] = "RIGHT",
["xOffset"] = -1.874999437057494,
["yOffset"] = -100.5144315940891,
["show"] = false,
["relativePoint"] = "RIGHT",
["lastshock"] = "Flame Shock",
["msgfont"] = "Morpheus",
["point"] = "LEFT",
["priority"] = {
["magmatime"] = 7503,
["previous"] = "fs",
["fsticksleft"] = 1,
["purgeiconset"] = false,
["magmaticks"] = 1,
["next"] = "fs",
["prOption"] = {
nil, -- [1]
nil, -- [2]
nil, -- [3]
nil, -- [4]
"mt_0", -- [5]
"sw_boss", -- [6]
"sr_boss", -- [7]
"es", -- [8]
"ss", -- [9]
"ll", -- [10]
"fn", -- [11]
"mt", -- [12]
"shield", -- [13]
"none", -- [14]
["FSDotMax"] = 14.41999999999825,
["prOptions"] = {
nil, -- [1]
nil, -- [2]
nil, -- [3]
nil, -- [4]
"mt_0", -- [5]
"sw_boss", -- [6]
"sr_boss", -- [7]
"es", -- [8]
"ss", -- [9]
"ll", -- [10]
"fn", -- [11]
"mt", -- [12]
"shield", -- [13]
"none", -- [14]
}, -- [1]
["LLPercent"] = 0.75,
["feralSpiritTalented"] = true,
["movingframes"] = false,
["FNlen"] = 6,
["xOffset"] = 2.146306124905707e-005,
["WFProcPercent"] = 0.375,
["maelstromTalents"] = 5,
["option"] = {
nil, -- [1]
nil, -- [2]
"sr_boss", -- [3]
"ss_0", -- [4]
"mw5_lb", -- [5]
"mt_0", -- [6]
"fs_boss", -- [7]
"es", -- [8]
nil, -- [9]
"ll", -- [10]
"fn", -- [11]
"none", -- [12]
"none", -- [13]
"none", -- [14]
["magmaticks"] = 1,
["feralSpiritTalented"] = true,
["movingframes"] = false,
["LLPercent"] = 0.75,
["FNlen"] = 6,
["barfont"] = "Morpheus",
["uptime"] = {
["show"] = false,
["point"] = "RIGHT",
["relativePoint"] = "RIGHT",
["xOffset"] = -1.874999437057494,
["yOffset"] = -100.5141287119379,
["EarthShockPercent"] = 0.75,
["ShockPercent"] = 0.75,
["maxLen"] = 8,
["EarthShockLen"] = 6,
["msgfont"] = "Morpheus",
Tümünü Göster