0en iyi çeviri bu
çeviriyi, (bkz: elif lam mim)yapti sagolsun
you, white-skinned freak! do you know anything about fellowship, brotherhood, collaborate?...
how can you know? the bitch who go into raptures when have a sweaty niggo dick in her mouth!
do you now pearls glossary ?
how can you know? the bitch who had a sincere smile when swallowing some bald guys semen? do you know?...
you fucking progeny of whore!
bur how can you know? you are just a whore who sold her body for some penny. you became merchandise.
just so you know pearl glossary doesn't affraid of anything, doesn't ask pardon, doesn't fall, doesn't disintegrate.
we were watching your porns allnights and mostly praised for you. actually your jobs got nothing to do with praise.
you are a fucking pornstar, pornstar!!!
and you talking about politics. if you want politic we do the best. you are just a whore,
whores can not product to act. some guys gets a lot of money while your cunt is smash. you think that before fuck with us!
now you are nothing to us. you are became cold nonentity, manifest of disgusted.
don't mess with us, return your world where the violence, savagery, sexuality praised. return your world where the
have drugs, sex addicts, whores, jobless, homeless, blood, rotten masturbate, fantasies.
we are always ready to fuck you.
all we want from god that you got aids.
with all respect ***pearl glosarry***
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