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update summary
inci giber (2010)
new title - add
plain title: inci giber
type: film
sub-type: feature
status: unshown
year: 2010
source: ... producer/director/writer
required data not supplied: will be added soon.
miscellaneous link - add
type: msc
url: http://www.inci.com/
desc: under construction
release dates - add
country: denmark
date: 1 december 2010
attribute: (tv premiere)
country of origin - add
languages - add
color / black & white - add
genres - add
directors - new name
name: hakli, adem
directors - add
name: hakli, adem
budget - add
currency: usd
amount: 300,000
official sites - add
type: off
url: http://www.inci.com/
desc: under construction
distributors - add
company: inci film [tr]
attribute: (2004) (turkey) (vhs)
production companies - add
company: inci reyis co. [tr]
cast - new name
name: hakli, adem
cast - add
name: hakli, adem
character: dede 1
writers - new name
name: etgec, rasim oz
writers - add
name: etgec, rasim oz
attribute: (writer)
producers - new name
name: dedeler, alim
producers - add
name: dedeler, alim
occupation: producer
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