0recruiting the ill-fated for the war. a legion of uneducated bankrupt souls, with a lust for revenge, answering the call from new yorkatahl to califarabia. desperation provides fertile ground for religious extremism, this glorious brainwashing where prejudice lies like a crouching tiger, tormenting peasants, until they erect an army under everyones' nose. in the end propaganda destroys the dna, god help them.
all that they envisioned of what things would come to be, turns into a pink mist when they blew to smithereens. we are just a war away from amerikhastan. when god vs. god, the undoing of man.
promising the ... (?)
in the end, they'll become one
no rules of engagement, this enemy hides amongst women and children, and to beat violence, we must ignore the focus groups, you must send in the massoud, turn off the bbc, cnn and don't look back. rest assured, there'll be no middle-eastern crisis, hell, there'll be no more middle-east. these are your people lady liberty, pull up your dress today, and tattoo this "property of the usa, a subsidiary of halliburton". surprise ! but a roaring lion is about to be unleashed on earth. hey jihad joe, guess what ? we're coming to get you !
all that you envisioned of what things would come to be, turns into a death net when you look behind the scenes. we are just a war away from amerikhastan. when god vs. god, the undoing of man.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 15 12 2024
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