I look to the sky
Saw my body die
Gotta reappear up there
Swear I want to be
In the universe-city
I've found I've found my own college
I've found I've found a way to resolve this
I’m not inside you
You're all around me
Is this what you needed to have for comfort
I waited all this time above you
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you needed to have
Take all that I've known
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you need me to fear
Take all that I've found, yeah
I’m not inside you
You're all around me
Is this what you needed to have for comfort
I waited all this time above you
I looked to the ground
Was pleased with what I found
Gonna reappear up here
Swear I'll always be
In the universe-city
I've found I've found all my problems
I'm gone I'm gone I finally solved this
I’m not inside you
You're all around me
Is this what you needed to have for comfort
I waited all this time above you
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