1. 1.
    beyler bu odevi yapamazsam mezun olamiyorum ocaginiza dustum gece 11 e kadar surem var bi bakin yaa panpaniza yardim edinde mezun olsun..

    n!/n^n (from n=1 to infinity)

    Write a C program which will find the sum of the N-terms of the above
    series. The program will consist of a MAIN function and a function.

    Within the MAIN function.
    . Number of terms N will be read from the standard input.
    . N will be passed to the function as an argument.
    . Sum of the N terms(return value from the function) will be printed.

    Within the function.
    . Sum of the N terms of the given series will be calculated and returned
    to the MAIN function.
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