0Most archers wear a bracer (also known as an arm-guard) to protect the inside of the bow arm from being hit by the string and prevent clothing from catching the bow string. The bracer does not brace the arm; the word comes from the armoury term "brassard", meaning an armoured sleeve or badge. The Navajo people have developed highly-ornamented bracers as non-functional items of adornment.[18] Some archers (mostly women) also wear protection on their chests, called chestguards or plastrons. The Amazon myth is that they had one breast removed to solve this problem. Roger Ascham mentions one archer, presumably with an unusual shooting style, who wore a leather guard for his face.[19]
The drawing digits are normally protected by a leather tab, glove, or thumb ring. A simple tab of leather is commonly used, as is a skeleton glove. Medieval Europeans probably used a complete leather glove.[20]
Eurasiatic archers who used the thumb or Mongolian draw protected their thumbs, usually with leather according to the author of Arab Archery,[21] but also with special rings of various hard materials. Many surviving Turkish and Chinese examples are works of considerable art. Some are so highly ornamented that the users could not have used them to loose an arrow. Possibly these were items of personal adornment, and hence value, remaining extant whilst leather had virtually no intrinsic value and would also deteriorate with time. In traditional Japanese archery a special glove is used, provided with a ridge which is used to draw the string.[22]
Release aids
Main article: Release Aid (Archery)
A release aid is a mechanical device designed to give a crisp and precise loose of the arrows. There are two types of release aid the most common being a trigger release which attaches to the string of the bow and held in the archers hand or attached to the archer’s wrist. Once the archer is ready to loose a trigger is pressed which releases the grip on the string. The second type of release aid works on a pre-determined release point and is known as a back-tension release. With this type of release the archer does not have a trigger to set the release off but rather stands at full draw with the release aid which will then trigger at a given point in the archers routine.
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