0It's a fucked up world, what a fucked up place,
Everybody's judged by their fucked up face,
Fucked up dreams, fucked up life,
Fucked up kid, with a fucked up knife,
Fucked up moms, and fucked up dads,
Thats a fucked up cop, with a fucked up badge,
Fucked up job, with fucked up pay,
Fucked up boss, is a fucked up day,
Fucked up breast, fucked up lies,
All my niggas, in the biggest, got the facs of life
Ain't it a shame that you can't say fuck,
Fucks just a word and it's all fucked up,
Like a fucked up punk, with a fucked up mouth,
Nine inch nails'll get knock the fuck out,
Fucked up AIDS, from fucked up sex,
Fake ass titties on her fucked up chest,
We're all fucked up, so whatcha wanna do,
Well fucked up me and a fucked up you
Aint life a bitch, a fucked up bitch,
A fucked up sword with a fucked up stitch,
A fucked up head, is a fucked up shame,
Swingin on my nuts is a fucked up game,
Jealousy fillin up my fucked up mind,
its all fucked up like a fucked up crime,
If I say fuck two more times,
Thats 46 fucks in this fucked up rhyme,
@85 sana selam olsun.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 19 01 2025
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