1. 26.
    thus the fluid element of fig 2.0, when subjected to sheer stress tyx, experiences a rate of deformation (shear rate) given by du/dy. we established that any fluid that experieces a shear stress will flow (it will have a shear rate). what is the relation between shear stress and shear rate? fluids in which shear stress is directly propotional to rate ıf depormation are newtonian fluids. the term non-newtonian is used to classify all fluids in which shear stress is non directly proportional to shear rate.

    kitabın adı "introduction to fluid mechanics 7 th edition" yazarı robert w fox, philip j prithard, alan t mcdonald...

    çöş kafa kalmadı rapor yazayım derken akışkan 1'in deneyinin tabi ben gittim ilk paragrafı yazdım manyaklık yaptım. ikinci paragrafta da

    "most common fluids (the ones discussed in this text) such as water, air and gasoline are newtonian under normal conditions" yazıyor ilk cümlesinde
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