1. 1.
    tomorrow wıll be the same

    ı sometimes lay at night and think about my day,my life another wasted day another wasted week another wasted month sitting in front of my computer
    ı glance outsıde my wındow occasıonly and wonder what it is like to have friendsto handout with. live some sort of active life.
    no one is imprısoning me but myself. ı like to be alone. but there are times when ı wish ı could talk someone beyond a computer screen.
    'ıt is ok' ı tell myself' ı will change tomorroe.ı'll make everything better.I'll take initiative.I'll start being more productıve' and ı fall asleep truely belıvıng that tomorrow wıll be a better day

    but then tomorrow come and nothıng changes
    the worst part.. ıs that there is no one to blame but myself
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