1. 51.
    "5,2" Data on the stack from input.
    ~ Eval command, note that , is an operator that turns a number into an array.
    [0 1 2 3 4] 2
    ~ Binary not.
    [0 1 2 3 4] -3
    ) Increment.
    [0 1 2 3 4] -2
    > Take end of array, -2 as parameter to get the last 2 elements.
    [3 4]
    . Duplicate element.
    [3 4] [3 4]
    , Array length.
    [3 4] 2
    , Turn number to array.
    [3 4] [0 1]
    ] Create array.
    [[3 4] [0 1]]
    {{)}%{*}*} Block of code.
    [[3 4] [0 1]] {{)}%{*}*}
    % Execute block once for each element of the array. The following part only demonstrate the first loop.
    [3 4]
    {)}% Increment each array element.
    [4 5]
    {*} Block containing a multiply command.
    [4 5] {*}
    • "Fold" the array using the block command, that is in this case make the product of all elements.
    After the big loop has finished it returns an array with the results.
    [20 2]
    ~ Deconstruct the array.
    20 2
    / Division.
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