0abazanın tekini dedeler bile yıldırmadı amk kim lan bu bizden abazası da mı var bu dünyada
8404 users online
you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
you: hi from denmark
stranger: hiiiiiiiii
you: i'm a grandpa
you: i love hot showers
stranger: like sexy girls???
you: i like sexy grandpas
stranger: oooooohhhhhhhh autmn!!!111
stranger: i knpw ur a teen like me'
you: i like taking showers with other grandpas
stranger: r u gay grand pa???/
you: no i'm a grandpa if u want the proof check out my site http://www.nobrain.dk
you: yeah i'm a fortunate gay grandpa who loves hot showers
stranger: okkkkkkk
you: ccc grandpas rule ccc
stranger: nice tell me ur xpriences
stranger: plz,...
stranger: u seems very knowledgeable
you: i am
you: i am a very wise old man
stranger: do ur dick gets erection???
you: this was my ultimate experience: http://www.nobrain.dk check it out
stranger: hello???/
you: yeah sure
stranger: oh
stranger: dont lie...
stranger: wats dat in that site>
you: did you watch my video clip ? it is pretty self-explanatory
you: its me taking a hot shower with 2 other grandpas
stranger: share ur fucking xprience
you: im 4real
you: it is my fucking exprience dont be a pussy and click!!
stranger: oh god m watching dat only...
stranger: u r great...
you: ikr
you: do you like the music?
stranger: yeah really...
stranger: have u any grand daughters...
stranger: i wanna fuck them!!!1
you: nope
stranger: oh cmon...
you: i'm livin the single grandpa life
you: it's better this way
you: no kids no responsibility, more hot showers
stranger: ohhhhh dats really interstng...
stranger: hahahhahahahhaha
stranger: tell me some tips...
stranger: i also wanna fuck smbdy...
you: you should try the grandpa wagon
you: its really nice
stranger: how???/
stranger: wagon???/
you: we're like a train..
you: ccc danish grandpas 4lyfe ccc
stranger: how???/
you: ccc inci giber ccc thats how http://inci.sozlukspot.com
stranger: oh grand pa u r a great fucker ,,,,,,
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