1. 1.

    türkçe mi olsun ingilizce mi?


    today (this night) we experienced one of most exciting battles - one more attempt to re-establish mexico. where the **ck was one? where were official orders? i remember old good one, helping each other, united as a true brotherhood. where is this one now? especially polish cp with his statement "the is nothing better than croatia outside of europe, closed in mexico". poland under maniek m government deserves this punishment! untill it will be completed i will ignore all one's battles. p.s. maniek m, why you even haven't answered yetlanesi when she was asking you for help, personally?

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    özetin özeti:

    today we experienced one of most exciting battles. where were official orders? i remember old good one. the is nothing better than croatia outside of europe, closed in mexico. she was asking you for help, personally?
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