1. 1.
    some people have 20/20 vision. i am no so fortunate, and need glasses or contact lenses to see that well. so, my eyes have approximately 20/100 vision, but are correctable to 20/20.

    some people have such poor vision that they cannot be corrected to 20/20. no matter what it done, the best they can see is 20/40 or 20/80 (or some other number). so, these unfortunate folks will never have "normal" 20/20 vision.

    distant and near visual acuity just means how well you see things that are far away, and close up. without my glasses, i can read pretty well (my near acuity is good), but i can't see things at a distance (my distant acuity is poor); i am near-sighted.

    so, to answer your question: it doesn't mean that you must have perfect vision. it means you must be able to be corrected (glasses or contacts) to "normal" 20/20 vision.

    20/20 nin ingini buldum amk ne demek burda yazıyor
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