0lashing out the action
returning the reaction
weak are ripped and torn away
hypnotizing power
crushing all that cower
battery is here to stay
smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the battery
pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the battery
cannot kill the family
battery is found in me
thrashing all deceivers
mashing non-believers
never ending potency
hungry violence seeker
feeding off the weaker
breeding on insanity
smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the battery
pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the battery
cannot kill the family
battery is found in me
circle of destruction
hammer comes crushing
powerhouse of energy
whipping up a fury
dominating flurry
we create the battery
smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the battery
pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the battery
cannot kill the family
battery is found in me
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 11 12 2024
aldığıım nefes yetmiyor
amg bi kebab durum yedim 1 saat oldu
sozlugu kapatsanize bir iki dakika
online oyundan konustugum kiz vardi
hani bunlar kafa kesen cihatçılardı
aslinda daha iyi amg
sokakta kadın görünce keyfimiz kaçıyor
qutu mamlı mısın
suriyeliler ülkelerine dönnüyor
sameti niye yuhalıyolar lan
memati ne boş yapıyon la
bana büyü yapmalarının nedeni emperyalistler
guzel bi sarimsakli mayonez icin
vatan şaşmaza neden vatan şaşmaz demişler
covanni şabanın kiracı filminde ki hacının
bir tane admin var ya
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