0porn blockingTümünü Göster
childwebguardian is porn blocking software designed to provide a safe internet access for child. this program keeps track and checks the content of every web-page the child browses through in the internet explorer. if the program finds some obscene content (characteristic of ferregraphy, violence, religious sects, etc.), childwebguardian will immediately block viewing such pages.
childwebguardian is a whole software package that is integrated in internet explorer and consists of some controlling functions. each of these functions forms an obstacle in the way of obscene information from the internet (ferregraphy, drugs, graphic violence) providing safe internet access for child. and before your child sees any page, it is checked by all those functions.
the program will satisfy all your requirements and wishes about internet parental control. you can easily configure the program for ferregraphy blocking, blocking sites with violence scenes, filtering sites that popularizes drugs, to filter the gambling games, the questionable religious sects and other forbidden materials. childwebguardian will filter the content of every visited and viewed pages. you can allow visiting sites only from the 'white list' and forbid sites from the 'black list', allow internet explorer using only in certain days and hours, write in the special log file what sites your childs visited and receive this log by email.
the principle of childwebguardian work has a prominent advantage over the usual way most of the similar porn blocking software functions. most of such programs check only the url of the requested page for being in the database of "indecent" addresses. this way of porn blocking is not effective because there appear hundreds of new sites every minute. unlike other programs, childwebguardian has special functions that allow analyzing the page content itself. that is why even if your child comes across a newly appeared site with obscene content, childwebguardian will stop him from viewing this site anyway.
childwebguardian pro has the following controlling functions:
analyzing the page content for the presence of forbidden phrases - read more
blocking the access to the sites in the "black" list - read more
restricting the use of internet explorer by time and by days - read more
storing the urls of the visited internet resources to the special file - read more
sending the full report on the viewed pages to your e-mail - read more
function for a maximum browsing restriction that gives access only to the internet addresses in the "white" list - read more
automatic program deactivation for the super users - read more
special functions for work in a local network - read more
games control - read more
buy it now http://www.childwebguardi...rn-blocking-software.html
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