1. 51.
    Lie lie to say that!

    They said that, 12 September, a week-ten days until the weekend before the permission of Land Warfare School, the students left the Youth Park, militants attacked and beaten more, and then the commander of the school bus service for all students to have shipped to fill the Youth Park and pocketknife organized as children, the park is a beautiful likened mob!

    Are the newspapers to know aksetmiş; it tricky Polatli Artillery and Missile School days (but did not see any missile!) Talebeydik Reserve Officer. Squadron commander, all of us gathered in the courtyard while Fridays weekly boarder, "If you come to eat Dayak söndürürüm the armed forces. Gezmeyeceksiniz single, uniform, you will retain your honor," he was giving talc. That's why we wander the streets of Ankara with the military uniforms were afraid of two times. Hadiselerine to understand the gravity of the situation of 1980, particularly in the 12 September, a month is enough to browse the list of previous murder and assault.

    Shining spent, that the right wing, left-wing, government, police, soldiers, citizens included everyone. "Us-them" distinction bilgiydi the most vital. Had no logical reason for being a party, the identity of everyone to live and tutunuyordu yaşatmamak. Leftist were killed "him right," we were saying, and they, too, "Three-fascist geberttik; smell matches, water," they said. Site fenaydı. Peace, tranquility and social peace in the belief that there was the possibility of establishing a day again. In flood-stricken were like rotten logs.

    On the morning of Sept. 12 at 6 pm squadron commander of the battalion are organized in the rear courtyard of the assembly to us when we "blow" was good news. This was to be expected, not anticipate, "n'olacak us now?" endişesiydi. 12 September regime to end the ideological polarization, but the whole forest, swamp-burning is a wholesaler, a self-reliant attitude tutunmuştu nobran and unfounded. The first detention, detention without question the best of circumstances the days waiting for 4 months; questionable sense of justice, courts martial law response, in the process of investigation and evidence collection fecîydi, did you hear about them already. Anything less than you need, the difference in amazement at the end of curfew relaxation, a sense of tranquility. Sidewalks, streets, neighborhood gezebilme worry, that's a tree to become an ordinary daily life that sustain the comfort of a society was enchanted. People, if fate of the civil war, "netekim" were pleased when they noticed a whistle eriverdiğini end. So that no one cares about political life was not to be suspended altogether. There was a little boil in the works of this period for being regarded as liable for the trial of detained political leaders have not yielded great discomfort. Peace and tranquility we all liked and recruited for terror daemon tıkabildiği bottle again, those days are times when a respected degree. All melânet of September 12, immorality and corruption was encouraged to lie an ominous turning point as a point of signifiers. These are, in number, even though they do not express a meaning in the press, because they hold large parts of riverhead iflâhsız a handful of employees to conceal the errors of the restoration effort to date consist of the Marxist militants. Before the rising violence, moral and philosophical kofluğu Sept. 12, the period falls on the shoulders of Marxist çetebaşılarının; thus remained crushed under the moral responsibility of each on Sept. 12 and stops of idealistic activists swear this is the reason. Bîgünâh activism was not the right, but rather exposed to the initiative to use taraftı Gear; garibandı, I think it is still a little bit. The only parts of the thesis, the largest prison in the capital yamanırken Marxists, nationalists esnaflığa small, small offices, or for no reason did not fall mihnete outright.

    September 12 coup, such as ice, but morally it May 27, Feb. 28, Sledgehammer, you can not put next to Ergenekon. Satan teferruatta confidential.
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