1. 8801.
    Argumentum ad ignorantiam - Arguing from ignorance
    Armis Exposcere Pacem - They demanded peace by force of arms. (An inscription seen on medals)
    Ars gratia artis - Art for art's sake. (motto of MGM)
    Ars longa, vita brevis - Art (work) is long, but life is short
    Ars sine scienta nihil est - Art without science is nothing. (I would also claim that the opposite is true)
    Artium baccalaureus - Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Artium magister - Master of Arts (MA)
    Ascendo tuum - Up yours
    Asinus asinum fricat - The ass rubs the ass. (Conceited people flatter each other about qualities they do not possess)
    Aspice, officio fungeris sine spe honoris amplioris - Face it, you're stuck in a dead end job
    Aspirat primo Fortuna labori - Fortune smiles upon our first effort. (Virgil)
    Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit - Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdues both intelligence and skill. (Cicero)
    Astra inclinant, non necessitant - The stars incline; they do not determine
    Astra non mentiuntur, sed astrologi bene mentiuntur de astris - The stars never lie, but the astrologs lie about the stars
    Aude sapere - Dare to know
    Audaces fortuna iuvat - Fortune favors the bold. (Virgil)
    Audere est facere - To dare is to do. (Motto of Tottenham Hotspur)
    Audi et alteram partem - Hear the other side too
    Audiatur et altera pars! - Let us hear the opposite side!
    Audio, video, disco - I hear, I see, I learn
    Auget largiendo - He increases by giving liberally
    Aura popularis - The popular breeze. (Cicero)
    Aurea mediocritas - The golden mean. (an ethical goal; truth and goodness are generally to be found in the middle.) (Horace)
    Auribus tenere lupum - I hold a wolf by the ears. (I am in a dangerous situation and dare not let go.) (Terence)
    Aurora australis - The Southern lights
    Aurora borealis - The Northern lights
    Aurora Musis amica - Dawn is friend of the muses. (Early bird catches the worm.)
    Aut Caesar aut nihil - Caesar or nothing i.e., all or nothing
    Aut disce aut discede - Either learn or leave
    Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit - The fellow is either mad or he is composing verses. (Horace)
    Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one
    Aut vincere aut mori - Either conquer or die
    Auxilio ab alto - By help from on high
    Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro - A greedy mind is satisfied with no (amount of) gain
    Ave atque vale - Hail and farewell. (Catullus)
    Ave caesar! Morituri te salutamus - Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you. (gladiators before the fight)
    Ave maria - Hail Mary
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